boys boys boys, I love boys...

I don't know what it is about the end of '06 and '07 so far, but I am boy crazy! Bring them to me, and I will spin webs.... Don't get me wrong, there's no lying cheating whoring going on here, just a strecth of giddyness and boys that make my heart pitter patter....

I'll be pitter pattering my...
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Compulsive shopping is going to be my end someday. I mean, really. Fifty bucks at CVS?!

SGBoston has been slow for the past year or so. You're not missing too much, but I'll poke the group owner about letting you in smile
So it's 4:30am, and I am sitting on my friend Ali's couch reflecting upon the evening. I came home to RI on a secret mission to see my girl Lisa from college who was up for the night, and to attend a family christmas party tomorrow morning. This secret mission turned into a night out with Lisa, Ali, Ed, Kramit, and Nellly, and of course...
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im not working!! and maryann wont be in boston!
haha i dont remember that night at all! damn avalon and their tequila shot table
So I have to say there is nothing worse than waking up to a text message that puts the fear of god into your heart... I woke up this morning to a message from Nel, asking if I had heard about the shootings at the Foxy Lady, as well as a message from FoxyDaisy, my girlie from Providence...

For those of you who don't...
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I hear about that today at work, it's fuckin horrible. I've never even been there, and it still made me shudder.
i'm not sure if I'll be back in Boston by then, but if I am, I'm totally in! biggrin
I can't beleive this weekend is over. I had five days off in a row, and couldn't have had more fun. Tuesday night I was at home in Rhody, hung out with my girls and the guys at Casey's, drinkie drinkie, good times. Wednesday I went to Providence with my girl LeAnn, who proceeded to get drugged and turn into 0 to wasted LeAnn... note...
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mmmmm... pumpkin spiced coffee
see you tonight!
this weekend was... interesting. It was a three day, yay veterans day!!

Thursday. Went out to Sanctuary in Boston with Ang and her crew. Was told to "look nice", which basically is my roommate begging me to wear something other than jeans, a black shirt, and studded everything. I did as she asked, cleaned up nice, still kept to red and black though. I wound...
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frown *hug* I'm glad you didn't get hurt. I miss you!

PS The Museum of Science rocked my fuckin socks off. I was like a kid in a candy store. love
glad you're all right. smile
Thursday night was a good night. I went to go see AFI with a friend of mine... I use the term friend loosly because this guy and I probably have more fucked up history than anyone else in my life, but he is a best friend nevertheless, and a good choice for a show such as AFI. I hadn't talked to him much in a...
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I have a running theory about friendship interractions, the giest of which is that friends don't react to who you are, they react to who you were. (got a friend from high school, doesn't matter if time has passed, first interaction will be all the same high school jokes)

Good friends make effort to catch up. (recognizing that you've changed)

Sometimes you get those friends who automatically, intuitively catch up. Doesn't matter if you're been through a divorce and changed your outlook, they're still there, and they click with you without those usual growing pains.

Looks like you had fun at the concert too.

This weekend was a blast. Friday night the Entourage came to visit: Kramit, Chino, Ed, Nelly, Ali, and LeAnn drove to Boston to see me and to have a night out in the city, and that we did! We had plenty of provisions to pregame at my apartment, and around 10:30 we were off to the Harp. It was something else to have my best...
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So about 3 weeks ago my best friends from home and I started scheming a night that they would come to Boston to see me, and we'd take our Casey's bar antics out over my city.... well, that night is upon us. Nelly, Ed, Kramit, and possibly Donovan are coming tomorrow! I'm so fucking excited.

When I called my ex today to see if he...
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I got sent home from work sick today frown This does not bode well for my friday night yet again, which SUCKS because all my boys (and Nelly) from home are coming to Boston for a night of debauchary. I don't know how 8 people are going to fit in my tiny apartment, but the game plan so far is to drink so much that we...
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Feel better soon, O Tall One.

I had an addition and a loss in the "family" today. Tom moved in, and tonight is his first night sleeping in the house. And... well, read my blog for the loss. 'Tis sad.
Today was rough. I'm starting to get sick, which is really unfortuante, especially because I work with children and have to be full energy all the time... anyways, spent Friday trying to go out and drink my face off as usual, but to my dismay the band that usually gets me going at my regular bar SUCKED, and I just wasnt feeling it. I'm pretty...
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I hope you don't get sick ...or at least get better soon smile