Fucking crazy. So it turns out our assistant team lead at work, the guy that sits next to me, is suspended. They called us into a meeting to let us know but didn't say why. We assumed he got drunk and got in a fight or crashed into something. He has two DUIs a long time ago. We Google'd it after the meeting and he...
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I got my apartment application approved today. I'll be dropping in tomorrow to sign the lease. Hopefully I can get furniture delivered over the weekend and have my cable set up early in the week. I'm really looking forward to being fully out on my own for the first time. Should be an interesting experience. The complex is broken up in a few small buildings....
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Congrats on the new place :-)
Woohoo, $1,900 tax return. My dad was telling me I probably would have to pay this year for some reason, so I was expecting to lose money. Getting $1,900 back is a nice surprise! biggrin
Very nice!!!!
I might be able to get this sweet promotion soon. I was asking my boss about it a few days ago since the guy working the job is leaving soon. When I came into work today one of the guys who is good friends with my boss said "congrats man, I'm proud of you". Once I asked him why he said "oh no one told...
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I was hanging out tonight with a friend who I haven't seen in around a month and it turns out he got his own place. It's close to where I am now and runs for a decent price ($800 base a month, around $1000-1100 after utilities/cable/internet/etc.). The place itself was a big size, had a balcony and was really clean. I was planning on moving...
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I guess I'm long overdue writing about this seeing as New Years was two weeks ago, but here's what I hope to accomplish this year:

1) Get my own place in the spring. I'm easily on track to do this and am really looking forward to it.

2) Gain around 10-15 pounds. Yeah, that's right - my resolution is to gain weight. I'm skinny. I...
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Friday was the office Christmas party. With all the high ranking executives going everyone was scared of getting drunk at first. The vice president ended up getting completely wasted. I think he told two people to shut the fuck up and one guy to suck his cock. I've never met the guy before but found that funny as hell. I've found myself tagged in tons...
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you look familiar. when i get too drunk i just fall asleep.
thanks for the nice set comment! x
Thank you for your advice smile
I finally have enough money to move out. I'm going to save for just a few more months so I have a giant chunk of change banked. Hopefully I'm aiming for moving out around March or the beginning of April. My parents are real cool and never bother me for the most part, but I can't wait to move out and finally have my own...
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I'm glad you think so. They are both very different in both style, mood and prep time (the d20 set was really spontaneous, while Susan took a month of planning). I'm happy to see that you enjoy both of themwink
I need to find some good shows to go to. It doesn't look like there are many bands coming to the Philly area over the next two months though. That makes me sad. frown Need more live music!
I saw Five Finger Death Punch the other day. You always have the love the energy that comes along with a metal show. People moshing, jumping all around and yelling like crazy - good times. I wasn't going to drink much since I had work the next morning, but my friend grabbed me one and right as I was finishing one he kept getting another....
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Thank you so much for the comment on my set! Every comment means a lot so I really appreciate it.