Fuck yes!!! Got my Pax East 2014 tickets today!!! Going for all 3 days AND got a room at the Westin. Today is awesome.

Now I just need to think of what I am going to go as this year.....hmmmmmmm


Hi everyone, I'm getting burnt out on school at the moment. So many classes needed when I really don't need them to program software. Not to mention some of these teachers are a joke. It seems as though education has become tuned down and just let the internet do all the teaching. Which I'm fine with if I didn't have to spend so much damn...
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I'm actually kind digging this new layout. Little bit of time with it and we will all be pros at the site again

Well I'm back in school for fall semester. Let's see if I can keep this GPA up and own this shit! Lot of sleepless nights in my future I do believe.
I love being on vacation!! I've been having so much fun visiting family and old friends and making some new ones. All week party
Less than a week till vacation time!! I fully plan on drinking too much and not remembering if I had fun or not. tongue
I love paying for health insurance out my ass. Then when it comes time to use it they won't cover a damn thing. Thank you health care.mad
It's been months since I ran a D&D game. Friday I aim to break that cycle and I look forward to it! smile
Well my family came up for a visit with a surprise visit from an old friend. The past week has been awesome, but it's time to go back to reality. Hope I'll see them all soon. Damn you responsibilities!!
Love love love you!
Hello peeps! Went and saw Man of Steel tonight and it was awesome. Also went and grabbed a bite to eat which always makes me feel better after watching Superman kick some ass!