*I'm just going to say a few things about myself, since none of you really know me.

I'm Ryan, a twenty-five year old who lives in the south-west section of Minnesota, which is mostly ugly, flat farm country. This area doesn't breed artists and instead, breeds ignorance and fear.

Everyone is afraid of everyone else and has turned this entire area into a paranoid desert....
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Surprisingly, I'm still alive. I'm going to assume they found me---through whatever pact with the devil---and forced me into staying an SG member.

I'm all for that.
I don't know how long I have, but I'll be without SG for a while. Yes, my heart is broken. Yes, I'm okay with that.

I'll see you guys in a couple of weeks, then! frown
Oh no. Broken hearts=bad news. Hope it gets fixed soon!

"Sped" huh. What did it mean? I don't recall it. Maybe I was too busy watching Michael Jackson on the MTV!
Thank you for the compliments =)
I finalized the book and have it nice and packaged neatly for UPS Monday morning.

I don't know how to feel about having a book on shelves. A sick, nervous feeling in my gut, perhaps?
My dreams lately seem to be based on the idea that I need to be in a relationship in order to straighten things out. This is a complete lie and I wish my subconscious was real so that I could straighten IT out.

Last night, I dreamed I was in Sydney, Australia doing a press tour for Peter Jackson's new King Kong. Apparently he had...
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your such a dork*L*. i could analyze it but that would prove im even more of a dork then you are so i wont. and yes i agree Julia Styles is a tard. biggrin

Heh, this was actually supposed to go somewhere else, but fuck it...
I'm anti-marriage. That should be the strict reason for NOT having to appear in a wedding.

That and I'm too fucking sexy in a tux. I might break all the women's hearts.
"I'm too sexy for my tux...too sexy!"

I am anti weddings too. I hate those damn orderly things. It's like a damn holiday or something, a whole day surrounded by family and the color white. What the fuck!
ill introduce you to my lawyer..he keeps me out of A LOT of trouble.

I don't mind being up at 5 o'clock when I've been partying or just feel like staying up late watching movies...

...or whatever...

But I can't stand having to wake up 5 and a half hours early one day a week, every week, strictly for business purposes. I get disoriented, I can't sleep well, and frankly, I'd love to just tell them to suck my...
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hey if you are arrested ill bribe the officer to let me have ya in cuffs for a lil while wink

ill bring a razor if you bring the shaving cream...we can shave Bush out of parlement together!!! biggrin

My fortune cookie says:

"money is no longer an issue. you can now achieve goals you set out to do

your lucky numbers are 1-900-E-A-T..."

Never mind.
I added some pictures here, finally. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I never did anything for V-day, since a) I have no significant other and b) I've always felt that you should treat someone special everyday and not just one day a year.

Maybe I'm bitter, maybe I'm melodramatic, and maybe I'm trying to get out of a year's supply of Mother's Day, Father's...
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if you cant make it its ok...ill forgive you but ill still have to come and beat you. *hugs* its cool dont worry about it your still my buddy kiss

its cool dont worry about it. ozzfest works for me...dont go to apple whatever one though go to AlpineValley (sometimes known as Summerset) thats the one i go to and its by far the best one cuz its all outdoors and it s just nicer. so you come and hang with me then or i can just come and hang for a weekend or something sometime. ill see how my summer schedual is. bok
I've been thinking of doing something evil and bastardly and I think I've pulled it off.
Oh no, what did you do???
Yes. You are pure evil. biggrin
"bite me, fucker" (written long ago)

Natalia sat in the dark. She looked up at the digital clock on the microwave for the 45th time in the last hour. She knew because she started to keep track. It was now 4:51 a.m. and she was alone in the apartment she formerly shared with her boyfriend. She was preparing to announce to him the formerly part....
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you better show up in Millwuakee or ill release the hounds track you down and hurt you sevearly biggrin .
awww you know i loves ya Deo kiss

you still better show up!

Are you still interested in the writering club? If so, e-mail me a submission by next week unless you want THIS to be your submission. If you do just let me know and I'll send it to the other members via e-mail. I wrote the rest of the details about it in the writers group.