I haven't posted here in a while, but it's just this stupid...thing I have going on.

Maybe someone can make sense of it.
what is "fringes"? a search on amazon turns up no bands named fringes. i also can't find a frou frou song named "fringes".
haha, i just realized that fringes was another user who posted in my journal. sorry smile
i'm going to be personal for two points:

1: i'm addicted to being irresponsible. i just can't focus on anything, especially the things i love. i just can't get enough ambition to do anything that doesn't evolve staring at a screen for hours on end. i want to write, but i get bored. i want to draw, but i get bored. i want to be...
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aww, thanks. thats sweet wink

-ape kiss
there's only one thing i hate more than waking up early on the weekend. and that is...waking up early on the weekend because you feel guilty.

i feel so horribly guilty, as if i should be up and doing things. but there isn't anything to do...well, scratch that, there's a shitload to do, but i don't want to. is that so hard? I just don't...
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was disconnected for a while, but i'm obviously back. it's hard to update your suicidegirls journal at the library. i didn't even attempt. the last thing i need is the conservative librarian to see me on a "porn" site.

(fun fact: her children are not allowed to watch tv, see any type of movie that's sci-fi/fantasy/horror, or play videogames...she's certain they're all going to hell...
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[ mood | killing me slowly ]
[ music | depeche mode/ erasure/ omd/ the cure megamix (16:49) ]

the story is coming out, filled with venom. i don't know why i feel this need to aim my writing like a gun.

people say i'm paranoid, but everything i predict comes true. every suspicion, every revelation i have ends up becoming canon in my story....
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i think if i wanted to have the best picture it would be picturing a nightclub where four hundred pound black vampires rip apart the bush administration while pissing on ronny's corpse on one stage, while i'm the sole male in a bondage video with 666 goth girls on stage 2. oh, and nine inch nails are playing on stage 3.

but maybe my imagination is going nuts from lack of sleep.

i love the sheep farmer idea, though... biggrin

well duh! caffeine is an addicting stimulant!! wink
pictures of the new case and the old zippo tomorrow, i promise! biggrin
and trust me, appearance of a site means nothing to me. the content - the passion within the work is what matters to me. the view inside someone's mind, that's what matters to me.
How far should one person suffer for their art? Can a grounded person find art through pain? Does an artist improve when he/she's suffered?
How could something like this slip by me without my noticing?


I have to get more, I think.
I don't understand.

How the fuck can I be miserable until I'm 18 years old, work my ass off for 6 months and become what I've always wanted to be, then spend the next five or six years letting all that hard work go to shit until I'm back to what I was when I started?

Why don't I care about the thing that makes...
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i've just started reading Dostoevsky's notes from underground (for class) and find some of his comments strangely enough hitting a bit closer to home than i thought they would...
yeah, i don't intend on ever working for a big corporation or "the man"; my interests to serve people one on one would never be compatible with "him"
ooh, self-discipline, where art thou? i'm-a searchin too - believe you me
she's a sneaky little sprite she is, and from what i've gathered, i don't think she'll appear and until we cry pardon waving our white flag
a bitch she is too
oy vey surreal
well, you're probably right, considering my reading list for the summer has consisted of or will consist of the following:
Europe in a wider world: 1350-1650
Boccaccio - The Decameron
The Portable Machiavelli
Erasmus - The Praise of Folly and Other Writings
Montaigne - Essays
Cervantes - Exemplary Stories
Kierkegaard - Fear and Trembling, From Sickness Unto Death
Camus - the Myth of Sisyphus
Dostoevsky - Notes from Underground
Beckett - Waiting for Godot

and for the pleasure of reading (when i have the time) King - The Talisman
ugh. puke
What guides me?

Am I here because I'm meant to be here? Are there sub-conscious steps before me? Or is this really a set of horrible mistakes and personality glitches?

Every time I was ever hurt. Was I supposed to learn or just stay in one place and build up humility?

Am I going to explode?

I can't control myself anymore. My sub-conscious steps are...
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who ever said i was against drugs? *L* please you have me all wrong if thats what you think.
good to have you back *hugs*

Food Demon!!! I wonder what the food demon looks like, someone should draw a pic. of him!
There's nothing going on this weekend. I had originally planned on attending my sister's wedding, since, well, I'm a groomsman, but I ended up just staying home...because I found out at almost the last minute that my sister's wedding wasn't until NEXT weekend.

I'm not smart.

I'm getting a black star on my arm next month with a blue "DEO" in the center. Any suggestions...
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I'm seriously getting sick of all this shit. I think I'm going to lose it soon.
Ahh sounds like someone is in a rut. Come join us in rutville... it's pretty nice if you look past the dishes in the sink breeding mold creating a Petri dish dream for penicillin. Look past the teams of cockroaches formulating a conspiracy to overthrow the government of Uruguay. I dare not describe the scum that awaits you in the bathroom... let's leave that to the imagination, shall we.

I'm sure the shit that youre going through will be bearable after a brief interlude with fun. Find fun somewhere and when you're done with it, send it over my way -if you don't mind sharing.