I had a chance to see the WoW beta and it seems like a totally new game. Which is awesome because I usually shy away from new games until I've had enough friends, bloggers, strangers, et cetera explain their love/hate for it and I form my opinion from that. This time I viewed it fresh and new with no one else's opinion but my own....
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There's a new WoW coming out? I had not heard. How are the graphics?
I applied for financial aid after seven years of not being able to. My college dreams are that much closer!
Congratulations. I'm trying to find out if I can get any aid so that I can re-train for a new job.
I just heard Stone Sour will be in the area in May. Concerts are the coolest way to meet new people and bond with the friends you brought.
There was a blizzard yesterday and it snowed me in the house. Not like it matters; I'm here all day every day until I can get a new job (or two to cover the bills). I still would like options, even if I chose the same thing each time.
The magazine I'm working on is getting nowhere. I only have three articles out of the...
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good luck with the magazine
Watch this video:


This is why I don't have a Facebook page (and I'm too cheap).

The Onion: Best News Source Ever
I've never blogged before. Is it like a diary (that everyone can read)? Sounds intimidating. I guess I should watch what I say (write). Censored Journal; sounds like a cool band name. Now the question that remains is: Should I be honest? Pretend to be someone else? I guess we'll wait and see...
It's like a diary. Each post you can set so it's public, members only or friends only, so you get a bit of control on who reads. (side note: randomly stumbled on your blog as newly updated blogs show on a feed on the main page).

To answer your question, I have somewhat of the same struggle on my blogs, all my past ones failed because I couldn't figure out who/what/how censored, who's reading, omg omg, etc etc. In the end, I say fuck it. Be honest. Who are we to judge? We're all a little crazy.ARRR!!!