I'm bumming around the internet learning how to make precision guided artillery, BC style. The sling is an ancient and deadly armor piercing weapon. The David V. Goliath thing is less pea-shooter vs. tank than it is sniper rifle vs. chainsaw. Goliath was fucked the moment he stepped out on to the field. There isn't much you can do about a rock being flipped at...
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Yesterday my little brother (age 10) had his entire class over for an end of the year graduation sleep over party thing. This was the same day that I was going out hunting for Water Nymphs and Naiads with my friend, so when I got back I was cornered by about a dozen ten year old girls, who interogated me relentlessly as to what I...
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Frank... I mean... Naw... Fuck it. So did you catch any water sprites?
that is way cooler than blood sacrifice. way.

PS TinyE and I broke up like WEEKS ago, pal. keep up with the TIMES.

no, you don't have to. you go play now.
I made a big throwing knife. It's rock. Once the glue dries I'm going to sit down and put an edge on the thing. Then I'm going to throw the fucker at stuff.

I also made a bamboo spear with a steel head. : )
yay! I demand a blood sacrifice! or fire, because fire is pretty.
alaska is the best place for maniacs like yourself.
My room smells bad. This is a problem because I, personally, cannot smell anything. I do have a sense of smell, but it is so weak and imprecise that I can only acknowledge certain strong smells. generalized room funk doesn't register.

So I'm going to do laundry and leave the windows open all day, and see if that improves things.
electricbabyjesus is spinning in his grave.

maybe something died in your house. maybe something that was a baby.
a partial recovery.
All my friends keep telling me that I should come back to the southlands to re-invigorate their lives with my zaninesss.

And I'm all like, dudes! I'm trying! but I went crazy, and that takes some time to get back together from! Have patience, I will return!

And then I get all sad cause I miss my friends. :*)
lack of USB cable makes electric baby jesus cry.
ha ha you went craz?y!

I went up a mountain with a sword and lots of leather clothes. The leather clothes proved useful in reppeling the hordes of wild roses and devil's club I ended up walking through, along with a few other thorny terrors. The Sword I used to swat a mosquitoe.

I saw the remains of two moose. Or goats. There weren't any skulls and I'm not much...
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Dear Frank-

I believe I've started to gain the upper hand on that whole stress thing, should be under control soon. Many thanks.

Love, Brosa.

P.S. geigh?
osteology is a good word.

so is nutsack.
I'm going down the coast in search of treasure. The hell with society. I know my surcoat and headscarf ensemble is awesome, and if society thinks I look like a loon or a pirate or something they can go suck a macacque, because I don't care. I am weird, and heavily armed, so no one can fuck with me. Oh Yeah!

I hope you find the tusk of a long-drowned circus elephant.
Someone needs to come rescue me. I know I usually do all the knight in shining armour stuff, but this is the 90's, dammit, and I want a cute girl to come save me from my tower. I'll wear a dress and have long flowing hair and everything. And my tower is actually about half underground, anyway, and has several convenient windows that open directly...
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Well, I dunno--where is this tower located? If it's, like, far away or something, I dunno about that. I'm kind of a lazy quest-er.
It's funny because I used to live near Seattle. Land of grey sky days. I loved it there and still love a good rain storm. But. Since landing in Minneapolis, my moods are ruled by the sun. It was finally back yesterday and the sun felt so good walking down Lyndale that I came home layed in the backyard topless in an effort to soak up even more. It was so relaxing and recharging.

We never got the chance to meet before you headed north. Scott says we have things in common. I am a bowhunter, not the traditional kind, but I do fletch my own arrows and such. I like being in the woods more than anything, well, except for being in the sun it seems lately.

I hope you feel better. I hope you come back soon too.
I made a great cloak today. It's made from rough canvas. It's enormous, a circle 120 inches across. It's simple, and stained, and rough. It isn't lined. It's everything that most rennies don't like to wear. It looks good, and it feels good, and it have a wood button that I made by sawing the end off of a dowel and drilling two holes in...
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"Simple, enormous and rough" sounds pretty authentic, from the examples of medieval clothing I have seen in museums.
Sounds like a great and useful garment. You should thank the gods, every day, that you're weird... but it is tough to go it alone.

I'm putting instant bronzer in an aerosal can and selling it as "Goth Repellent".
Ha ha! Let me know how that sells, I could see if there's a market in Australia.

So, you couldn't find a fifth SG fave? surreal
Yesteterday I battled a ravenous beast (field mouse, catch-release), got shocked with a tazer, collected my pay, caught up with old friends, and generally had a good time.

SG - 50,000 men and women united by our mutual love of boobies and staunch belief that whatever kind of music we like is the best kind, and everyone else can go suck an egg.
I had a wonderful dream. I was a pirate named Conan. Not that Conan, but a Conan. I did amazing feats of acrobatics, and I was in a videogame, so it was okay to be violent. I got into fights and threw knives and swashed buckles and battled the royal marines. I even got the girl. In fact, when I defeated the bad guy and...
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Dude. Come to Madison for your birthday. It's leather and lace night at The Inferno nightclub. I went this last saturday. It was... I'll say hazily memorable. I had a drink bought for me by a gay man, saw tons of skin, danced like a fool. Good times, good times, and I have the marks on my body to prove it.

[Edited on May 08, 2006 3:36PM]