I watched an episode of Tru blood. I was getting ready to see Friday the 13th. I heard a lot of guys talk about

it at work So I thought I would go check it out. I was going there and I seen a 2002 Silver firebird cruising in

the lane to my right. I had a lot of situations were other drivers have almost...
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are you talking about "Scarecrows"? thats the only genuinely good scarecrow movie. al the rest are lack quiet a bit. but friday was totally made with fans of the series in mind. they were dropping references from part 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Thank you to the mystery person that paid for an additional 3 months for me to be on Suicide girls.

Honestly I didn't need the help with being here. I don't think this site is expensive. Hmm i wonder who it is?

Why they wanted to give me a whole extra 3 months subscription? So who ever you are Thank you. I would have put...
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excuse me, but i did not delete your comment.
why the attitude? what comment did you write? Id never delete someones comment

unless they are rude which your last comment was, there was no need for that because i didnt delete anything
so relax
sometimes i notice my comments get deleted from posts on the boards but i dont freak out. its probably a glitch
I went to work today But I was running a little Behind. I was 5 min behind due to pure being tired and another

10 min because of a train. I thought I don't want to be late so Iam going to need some speed to catch up.

I clicked on my radar detector (I mostly have it on always..) The train left the tracks...
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i called this random place about getting struts done. (I know about how much it should cost) Anway I called

for a quote and this guy apparently thought my name was "sucker". He goes oh your looking about $1,000.

I said that is where you are wrong! I said your looking at about $1,000 for a guy named sucker and it's not me!

He goes...
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I was looking to replace my car shocks. my car rides like a tank and I hate it!

I hate any kind of repair or Maintenance on a car. I was so not happy with the whole car situation iam

seriously considering just saving a few months and getting a newer car. my car looks nice and all but

it's a pain in the ass....
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I was in a room where there was a ton of stuff going on. Mostly people talking laughing and drinking. Before

there was nothing distinct about it. You could look around and see various things but nothing that would be

worth holding your attention. A few minutes later something interesting happened. A woman about 5'9"

red hair put up in a bun (I'am sure it...
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Thanks for your birthday wishes! x
Not in Germany... I have only found 4 packs so far and they dont last long in my fridge.

The other day I was amused! An older lady was talking among her friends simultaneously me driving me up a fucking

wall. I cannot stand when a group of women stand around and have 6 fucking conversations going on at

the same time. Some of you bitches need to shut the fuck up and listen when other people are talking instead

of having 5 conversations...
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hi thanks for the comment on my new set. im glad that you like it (:
Thank you for the compliments smile
I saw an old friend yesterday and he looks somewhat different! He has turned into a woman!

iam kidding iam kidding! I had you going there for a minute. I heard you say WHAT THE FUCK! No but Honestly

He gained like 80lbs (Trust me I gained 20lbs but Hey I still don't look half bad and get props on the regular)

Not only did...
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Actually, I did have a friend that went through an operation between meetings. It was a bit awkwards. Putting on weight really does age people. It happened to me back in the day. I lost like 40lbs and everybody said it looked like I got younger.
Yeah, I'd imagine families do that to people. Thanks for the comment on my Frost set! x
Just earlier today I was talking about the blasted car and how the check engine light suddenly appeared.

I was not shocked at all. I thought iam amazed it didn't happen sooner! Just the kind of luck I have with cars.

I decided to have it checked out so off to the diagnostic place. I went to the place and ran into an old friend....
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Thank you so much for the comment on my new set in member review!
I hate my car which I mention two blogs ago! Just a mere two blogs ago I was talking about how I hate that

my car constently likes sucking money away from me and always has something going wrong with it.

I need a new car or something. Today I was driving my very rough riding car at a straining highway speed of

65 and...
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Today I saw a guy that had previoulsy commited an act of douchbagery to a high order. I had went to work

out and left my lights on. When I came back my battery was dead. Anyway I said Douchbag since his van

was already in perfect alignment with my car If I attach my jumper cable to his car and get a jump. It...
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It was -30 just two days ago and a very nice and humid 16 degrees at 3pm. All the sudden at 12am it was 50 degrees! I thought "it's a celebration bitches!" I even saw a woman waited for a bus....all the sudden bust out her cleavage! I was like all I need now is a naked chick and a cold beer! I had the...
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