Been a while since my last blog. Christmas was a little better this year then last. I hope everyone had a good holiday. Plans for 2011 not sure yet lets see what things get tossed at me. I am a fighter i will go down swinging biggrin
Its my Birthday and i got no plans. I am just not feeling anything right now. Gonna do same thing as every other day.
Hey. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. When baseball comes around next season, I would love to treat you to a Harrisburg Senators game. Hope some serindipity comes your way.
I have always said it feels like I am living in a prison. And today it has come true all the windows and bolted shut and there are shotguns and rifles spread through out the house.

Why this has happened is this. My dad pissed his pants because he went to his truck to go to work and turn the headlights on to see a...
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So I have come to the conclusion that people who I thought were my friends really arent. I am going to take some steps back and take a new view of my life. If u dont hear back from me for a little bit dont worry. I just need some space.

Oh and i got a job interview for monday maybe a new start?
I got a disqualification notice for jury duty !!!!!!!!! So now im free on my birthday. biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin
What did you do to get disqualified?
I have jury duty on your birthday. frown
Over the weekend my Dad told me he would give me some money to go take a trip for my birthday. So Sunday I reserved a hotel for the 11th-17th of November. Well I just had to cancel my birthday trip.

I got a fucking Jury summons for my birthday how fucking gay is that.
Just show up and say that the defendant is "Gulity!, Guilty as hell and will have to pay for his/her sins!"

Your duty will last about...10 minutes...
genuinely miss u. my life is not going well. sucks u arent closer. im so stressed and depressed frown
I feel fucking trapped right now me and my dad cant get along people who i reached out to and try and vent to tell my dad. I cant trust fucking anyone anymore. I guess the people online are all i have left to vent to sorry guys. But its true everyone here has no connection to anyone i know irl really.

Does this mean maybe i wont have to pay for my loans?
that would be very nice
I sprained my back worse then i ever have before. I cant get up off the sofa right now and dads no help he comes down asks me if i need anything. Bottle of water and the other bottle of pain pills.... his reply nah u can walk upstairs and get them urself. like why even ask. I tell him and other people soon as...
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