Well, it's been a while, and now that I'm far less grumpy (sorry about the ranting in my last entry, I had a week where I was sick with the cold from hell AND managed to put my back out, I was a very cranky girl whatever ) I think I should plan my birthday. I have March (also renamed as Fuck in some circles) 4th-7th...
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"Where else can you eat curry in +40 weather while watching a man wearing a white tuxedo and wrapped up in bandages like the invisible man rock out on an electric violin?"

Why, in my living room, of course. Except it's not that warm, the violin isn't electric, and the musician is me (and I'm not a dude). I'll get back to you on the white tux & bandages...

Are you on the mend from being sick? There are a lot of nasty bugs going around.

Happy early birthday! biggrin

Colette smile
Hmm, Yarn 'n Holes, eh... I think that's a great idea! And we can have a pickle bar there too...everything from garlic to gherkins.

It never fails to effing well amaze me how many people will come in to my work, spend over an hour brousing the shelves for a movie, and then once they come to the counter go "Oh, yah, I don't have a membership". And just to top it all off they won't have any ID either, so we have no way of making them one,...
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General concensus: People are Idiots.
I had a lady bitch at me while at worktonight because we wouldn't honour her coupon for a free pop. Funny thing is, it wasn't our coupon. Hmmmm... lets see, how stupid to you have to be to bring some random coupon into a movie theatre, that has absolutely no affiliation with our line of service, and then get pissed off cause we won't validate it? The coupon was for a bottle of pop. We don't sell bottled pop, just in cups, with Ice. Then she had the audacity to talk to a manager and try and get me in trouble. wtf?

Moral of the Story... Don't go to work expecting to serve anyone with a brain cell count that isn't in the single digits.

Fight club... Good Stuff. Ciao
Every customer who is a dick to people who work in retail should be made to work behind a counter somehwere. For a long period of time. For minimum wage and no benefits and very little change of a raise. I wonder if they'd end up better people for it?

There are a lot of very well-off people that shop where I work, and you'd think that the fact that they're financially privileged would make them more courteous or nice or grateful or some shit, but no, they're the biggest assholes!

I know I try to be super nice to people in stores since I've been working in them since I was 16 years old, especially since I know what gets said about customers that are assholes to staff. But I guess that way we at least get the last laugh.

Okay, end rant.

Well, I'm officially the worst journal updater EVOR. Although I do have many excuses, ranging from crazy business helping Arete with her film, to the 102 degree fever that's knocked me on my ass for the last few days. I actually called in sick to work for the first time since I started working there about a year and a half ago. Ah yes, the...
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you saw me?? its quite possible i suppose. i was the super cute and nice one wearing jeans and a funny brown poncho thing. (i just bought that and i'm still not 100% confident that i like it.) i don't know what you look like, or else i might have recognized you too. whatever you need to work on that. you can come over and use my scanner if you like. wink biggrin
ah we'll meet eventually.
i'm glad you're feeling better. being sick sucks!

ps. grrr i know what you mean about the walker. i can't bring myself to call it that other thing. it saddens me. it just doesn't look like a 'burton cummings'... it looks like a walker. and going there the other night and realizing what they did again just makes me so mad! who the fuck gives a shit about burton cummings?? and if you want to honor him give a new building his name, like that damn arena could be 'burton cummings arena'. don't tarnish a historical building for everyone!!
woah sorry about the crazy rambling...

ps again. if you ever think you see me in public again hollar either cai (saying it like you would say the letter K) or Kristin. i'd respond to either.

[Edited on Feb 13, 2005 11:22AM]
are you still sick? i don't want to be your valentine if i can catch death from you whatever

oh, who am i kidding, I LOVE YOU, SKANK!!! love
I seriously just woke up half an hour ago.

Last night was my work's Holiday/X-mas party. The store's assistant manager made us a giant dinner, and then we proceded to get completely wasted. I was very much impressed this morning that I wasn't peeling myself off of the bathroom floor. It was a great night, full of embarassing stories, girls showing off their deep throating...
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bah that sucks. if you want to show up late you can tho. i'll keep my cell on vibrate and come let you in when you get there. even if its only to sy hi. its up to you. if not, next time. whatever kiss
you don't happen to have a mulholland drive i can buy for cheap, do you?

oh come on, even i've found time to update. this is just sad.
Wow, it's been a long time since I've updated. But alas I haven't got that much to report. It's blustery and cold here, but it's Winnipeg, so what the hell else is it supposed to be like in January? I just finished reading "Snow falling on cedars" and it was boring as hell with an equally boring ending. Next in line, a choice between 2...
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listen to my twin brother (Surface). go be his friend.
Ummm... pickles and lotion... what, a man can take care of himself to... confused

xxx wink

Even though in a couple days once the plows have been out things will be far better, I'm starting to get fed up with all the freaking snow that gets dumped on us here. I've had almost 22 years of it and I'm starting to reach my limit. Granted, if there were ever any major earthquakes anywhere...
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Arete said you made out with her. Cool.
well another murder city victim on here
Hooray for Boxing Day indeed. I just got back from the malls and I must say I'm quite satisfied with my purchases. I bought a waffle iron, a juicer, and some cute new underwear. Oh baby.

Christmas was pretty cool, I was aiming to outdo the boy for best gifts ever, but I think we more-or-less tied. He bought me the first and second season...
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i hope sir justin is doing okay. he called me a couple of weeks ago and left a message saying that his phone was disconnected. i hope he had a good christmas.

we should get together, cunt. before school starts again and i become a hermit. i want more bubble tea. coconut jelly reminds me of that futurama when the lobster-thing (i never watch the show, ive just seen that episode, so excuse my ignorance you heartless bitch) needs to impregnate the female lobsters with his male jelly.....ew
I'm just going to squeeze in a quick one in before I have to don the uniform and trudge to work. It's actually not so bad outside today, it was freaking cold yesterday. I'm both pleased and shocked at how quickly this whole holiday season is chugging along. I thought I was done with shopping but then I realilsed today that I forgot to get...
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The Few. The Proud. Domo.

once again! sitting around in my uniform pretending I'm working... It's dangerously close to the end of the shift and i'm not doing paperwork.. but i've got a good reason, i got nicely baked tonite. smile that's one thing i love about Domo, Midnite Shift = Freedom
Jeez... you'd think i was the only one posting anything here tongue I just wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS!! *<(: - )
Wow, do I ever hate the freaking holidays. If I seriously have to watch Jingle All The Way one more time at work I'm going to scream. mad

I'm uber broke because of all of my holiday extravagance. See, the boyfriend started talking about how he was going to get me such an awesome gift this year, and then upped the ante by saying he's got...
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These journals are the greatest inventions ever... if you're ever really pissed off about something you can rant in here! or if you're really happy about something you can tell a bunch of people around the world tongue have you gone into the groups or boards much? interesting stuff in there too smile but of course nothing is more interesting that reading a complete strangers journal and commenting on it! biggrin

[Edited on Dec 15, 2004 7:48PM]
You're a lucky boy wink
Ah, mondays. The begining of another week. Just lovely. I got to see Arete's nipple peircings on Friday, and I have to say that I was impressed. I've seen her breasts a thousand times, but now they had decoration attatched, just like so many Christmas trees. How very festive it was.

I'm very set on working on some tunnels in ye olde ear lobes, those...
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Well, here goes with the first journal entry ....

I'm choosing to vent my hatred of mutherfucking shoplifters. At work lately we've been losing 4-6 DVD's a day because of people helping themselves to a 5-finger discount. And this frustrates me not only because I have to constantly be watching for "suspicious activity", but that they always steal the dumbest movies EVER. Seriously, no ones...
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Regis Philbin and Dick Clark both need to be "terminated"... They've lived a far too long. Especially Clark.

If by scabbies you mean that crazy body lice shtis... every couple years my old high school's geo class went on a trip thru AB and BC, staying in hostels the whole time.. Wellll one year (not my year thankfully) the class went to a hostel where, not only were the sheets not washed well enough, but they just kinda all sat together waiting to be washed.. They ALL got scabbies. It was really funny for us when they got back cause as soon as they arrived they were all quarentined, thier clothes and sleeping bags boiled and they all had to wear hospital gowns home with garbage bags over the seats... Funny but sad at the same time.

Zellweger and White whatever I've never really liked his music or her movies hehe they can do what they please, it don't matter to me one bit.

anywho, sorry for the rant and welcome!!
Yello there Cai, thanks for saying HI! smile I too have a ragin' love for Jack White. He's just so .... grungy... bluesy .. and then sometimes his voice kinda squeeks *sigh*. So dreamy. Did you see him and Meg in Coffee and Cigarettes? They were adorable. I have this thing with the Zellweger, though, I don't know what it is but she just ticks me right off. Well, there was this one movie she did with Time Roth were she played a hooker, and I actually found her performance quite good, but most of the time it just seems to me that she's making the obvious "oscar" choices. Boo-urns. If Julia Roberts can win one they obviously don't mean THAT much. lol

Whatup martinitheace, you're so very right, Dick Clark is awful. It's like he's stayed alive this long just to mock the average life expectancy, or God, one or the other. He must have made some kind of unholy pact, either that or he's a robot. I'm still laughing about the scabbies, although that must have sucked big time. No one looks hot in a hospital gown. Thanks for the welcome. smile