So.. my unemployment is running out soon, and I still haven't found a job. My car is still on not-drivable insurance.

What hole have I dug myself into? What can I possibly do to fix this now?

Ugh. I don't know what to do. frown
Alright, so I'm going to admit it: I'm a gamer.

There, said it. Now, since that's done I shall go on with what I was going to talk about.

First off: Sims 3 is bloody addicting! I should really stop playing so much. (Yeah right.) Trying to take care of 4 teens and one adult in one house is a little bit difficult, haha.

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I like!!!!! <3blush
Those winged 00's are gorgeous. Very nice!
So... after quite some time, I have returned. smile
So... since the Suicide Girls weren't at Comic Con this year.. is there no possible way to resubscribe for a year for $30? :/

Kinda missed seeing them.

Also, right now, I have far too many new free books for my own good. >>;
I find it quite awesome that a bunch of my favorites are getting their reviews up in Set of the Day~ You rock, girls. (Grats July, Chunni, Malloreigh and Antigone, and now Praesepe~ ) <33333

Also, V-Day can go suck it. >/
Okay, so... I've been slacking with posts. School and work have been kicking my ass lately, not to mention having to work the weekend Ren Faires. Ah well, its all worth it in the end, right?

I need to get back into my photography, and soon. It'll happen, I know it.... some day.

Agh, I'm tired. Been playing tennis lately and its also kicking my...
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Happy Birthday!

Thank you for the wonderful comment on my set Almost Golden!

And yes, I have a head tattoo! Good eye!
Ohhh happy bdayysmile
Sorting out all the stuff I got from Comic Con has been kinda insane. The huge amount of posters, books, and all the little freebie stuff stuffed into all the free bags I got just continues to add up.

It also makes deciding which of my new books to read first REALLY difficult. I wanted to take pictures of the shirt and hoodie I got,...
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welcome to the zelda group smile saw you just joined!