So yea this weekend was nothing. I just stayed home, work at the bar and helped my roommate move in. I did however start editing this film I directed nearly 4 years ago. Me and my buddy are now currently editing it and going to try and get it out there. Every time I watch takes from the movie I die laughing. It was so...
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WOW...Last nite was fing crazy. It was so much fun. Man, not to many of my friends came out, which i expect they would not come out cause work on thursday, but thanks to the the ones that did come out. My friend said and I quote "Your true friends show up with in the hour." or they are true drunks... So this girl that...
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So yea I am now 26 years of age and I feel the same as yesterday. Actually i am very soar. I played softball yesterday and we won by beating the undeafted team. It was GLORIOUS, sorry. So my anckle and back are alittle stiff this morning. I am going to go shopping soon and go get a tattoo done and then going to the...
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So its Monday, a fucking Hot day. As I sit here and tell you about my day I just start to think that if no one is reading this, that is fine with me. I am just getting crap off my chest. I think my blogs are for me and I let others take a small glimps into my world.

I woke this morning with...
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Happy Birthday in two days!!! smile smile smile smile

So today was another Sunday, Did nothing really. I got up since I had not seen the Hulk movie decieded to go see it. I like the movie, came home and watched Cheers Season 1 until I got bored and watched the last two minutes of the basketball game, and got bored now I am sitting here writting this. Now I am bored and I...
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So Today was/is fun. I first woke up at 12:40pm and then I was like I hate the way my room looks so lets rearrange it. I Took everything out of my room and dumped it in the empty room and the hall way. Then I vacume and dusted the room. Then moved everything back into the room but after rearangeing my room. So Now...
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So Today was an Ok day. Work was ok, not to busy but not to slow. i was told by my boss that the head guy notice that I have been taking to many smoke breaks lately. I was like that is fine but we have no work to do cause he is a moron and lost our client. So what else am I todo?...
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Thank you!!
Ok sorry about the last post. I was really drunk and was talking about a girl. Good thing I did not drunk text her or drunk call her. That would have sucked. Saw her today but no more than 30 yards away. She is defently avoiding me...that is funny

Good news. I am not offically living in California. I got my liscense today. well they...
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So today was a good day, work was ok, and I played softball with co-works. I got drunk after the game, so right now I am not sure how my typing is but I am drunk. I can;t stop thinking about this girl I dated awhile back. I had not dated anyone in over 8 years and then she comes along and F#ck I can't...
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Man today was boring. Work was slow and lame. Then I went and bought some new jeans but i ended up buying a Hat. Like I dont have a hat. But some cute girl that walked by said it looks perfect on me, so I bought it. So now i am left wondering did I buy it because of her or cause I liked it?...
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