I know there is a lot of people on this site who are very much into there weed thats cool its your life your body just don't smoke it near me. Well the annoying thing is I live in town centre of Weymouth by a club and groups stop by my window and smoke dope it goes in through my window and I get stoned...
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I've got tons of photos that I've taken in the last few years people might be interested in I have traveled extensively with my Mum as for years my father was unable to travel so we started doing city breaks to give my Mum sometime away from being a full time carer till my father passed away last year RIP Roy Thompson.

As I've traveled...
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Hi to everyone who takes time out of their busy lives to read my blogs thank you very much as I am not going to show my naked body or dance sexily for you. Don't get me wrong I love the female form and don't judge any women doing whatever they want to do with their body. But I am not going to show off...
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I've been in a complicated relationship with an ex till tonight I am so pissed off right now because of her attitude towards me was disgusting.

She didn't trust me at all when I have never cheated at in my life. I had a terrible night mentioned in blog she couldn't have been more unsupportive to me if she tried. Looking down through her nose...
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So I have a few hours to kill then its out again for a few drinks for birthday number 2 which is James. I must admit after these birthdays I am so not going out drinking for a while lol. I have had enough and have better things to do with my time. The band is one I could use the time more efficiently on...
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Hi people my plans for today are to tidy the front room of the flat for a few hours then go train at my brothers training hall the Wessex Karate Acadaemy under his instruction for few hours in Karate to build my fitness back up so that I can grade for my 3rd Dan one day in the future :)

Looks delicious.  Do you make your own pasta? 
No I don't that was pre bought I haven't learnt how to make my own pasta. Th pasta on top is cannelonni tubes cut in half. I use other good ingredients like black garlic, extra virgin olive oil and mature cheddar it was very tasty still got some left for tonight.

I have finally finished my masterpiece my lasagne and put it into the oven. I got a bit distracted so the speed of my cooking slowed right down. Its been a long day and some good old fashioned comfort food would be great. I love Italian food and have traveled to Florence, Venice and Rome in my travels I loved all 3 cities but liked...
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I have been rather busy of late and not had much chance to cook proper food so tonight I am going to cook Garfield's favorite: lasagne. Lasagne is also my favorite dish and me and Garfield have had a lot in common he was my favorite cartoon when I was growing up I am said the Americans got hold of the rights to him as...
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Just off to my first jamming session how many pots do you think I'll need? :) Just off to my friend MJ's for a few hours to play guitars and sing I'll post a picture of epic acoustic guitar but for now I got to shoot out bye for now


So PJ had a lovely birthday as far as I can tell apart from the naval idiots but I am getting ahead of myself. So after missing them earlier in the evening I decided fuck it I'll catch up with them through facebook and find out were they were going (I knew it was going to be lounge) so I had some free time to...
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