When I made it public knowledge that I had a set in queue as an SG hopeful, I got tons and tons of hate on all social media, especially tumblr. People were telling me terrible things about my appearance and drudging up things from my past that I did not want to talk about. I was harrassed daily and called profanities and told that I...
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I was mainly getting hate off people I knew sending anons, best part was the people I knew have all told me how they'd love to have the confidence to become a SG and as soon as I did a set the bitch fest began. I was also getting a lot of hate off people whose sets hadn't been accepted, some shite about being too blonde, too natural, too normal looking, too big......etc I've just learnt to laugh it off as the people I'm closest to who know are all super supportive of me doing this and Ive got to meet some very cool and interesting people along the way 
forget about it from people you don't know. it hurt if it is from family, close friends or so called friends. some persons just hate other just for nothing.  don't let anyone undermine you. just keep believing in yourself. ( check out - It's my life on youtube, all three different cuts