$1.00 Tip From Anonymous


$2.00 Tip From dhyani


Love your set (and your hairstyle!) Great lingerie choice, too! You are awesome! 💗💜🖤

From storm_28


I dont know how I've not seen your sets before this, but extremely nice work.. thank you for sharing them and your hard work.....💯💯💯💯

$1.00 Tip From Anonymous



Dude. What is your profile picture a preview from?? You just look all kinds of fuckin yummy in that shot. Jeez 🙌🏾 In case you change it- I’m referring to you in the white windowsill, wearing white panties and a white sheer top. 😉

Hahah no worries dude! It’s just an extra photo we took after my new sg set , which comes out in a little over a month !
That’s an amazing shot. You look gorgeous. I can’t wait to see the rest of the set 😊👍🏾

From penny


Beauty, thank you so much for button mashing the ♡ on our multi "Smash!" 🎮 We really appreciate it!

From penny


Hi Angel! Thanks so much for the kind words you left on my set. You are incredibly sweet and it means so much to me to have your support! Thank you babe!! 🌹

From penny


Hi gorgeous! Thank you so much for leaving some sweetness on my set and for all the support you have given me on the site and social media in general it means so much to me! 💝

Im so glad youre finally pink !! I hope to meet and multi with you some day xoxo 😍😘

Thank u for ur respond U have beautiful site what a beauty Admire ur stATS page 💝🐶💝🐺💝🐶💝🐺