i dyed my hair violet but it came out kinda indigo blue purple. sorry i dont have a picture right now and i dont thing its worthy of one. besides that i havent been feeling too good and have been sleeping alot more that normal. how are you feeling xoxo sadie
Purple hair sounds fun.
damn i guess i'm getting un noticed around here more than i thought. No one commented on my last post am I really that boring or maybe its just that I don't post in the boards or groups much but whatever i'm not complaining just a little surprised. Today is valentines day, I sorta have a valentine but i'm no sure if anythings going on...
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it sounds like you are doing somewhat better. i'm glad to hear it. smile
See we didn't have those things. Someone would sell balloons others flowers, some would deliver messages for a small price, and some sold chocolates & plush toys...

Wow, it was such a commercial thing wasn't it
i played chinese new year's games for chocolate gold coins. I made out pretty good. that was the excitement of my day so far. Hopefully i'm going out to dinner later. not much else going on this post seems pretty boring now. just like my life boring. soo boring sometimes i wish for death from boredom but I dont think its possible. another depressing blog...
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I felt like no one ever understood my panic attacks so I always hide them and never talk about them or call people anymore when i have them i havent talked about them in a long time until i feel maybe i'm going through some sort of butterfly transformation but it could just be some mental unexplainable torture. I wish I didnt have such an...
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Panic attacks and anxiety are very real things. Unfortunately, people that have never experienced either can't truly understand what it all feels like. By the way, you totally spelled agoraphobic correctly. wink I get that way myself sometimes...a lot of times actually. You're not alone in how you're feeling. There are lots of us around.
That's no problem at all. Glad you liked the Arch Enemy. That group is one of my favorites.
i hate to be whiney but this is a supposed to be like a journal and i think its the best place to let frustrasions. Sometimes I feel like the only care about me are my social workers. I'm really emotional right now for no reason except that little bender i went on probably caused it. I think i'm turning into a bender drug user....
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I'll be in your fan club. smile
Thank you sweety
aaagg i was just in the middle of writing a new post with finger hit some button and now its all gone. well i was talking about my bleached blonde and pondering drying it purple. you know it high school i had long curly blue hair it took two bottles cause i had some much long thick hair. the best part was my mom helped...
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Yeah, I died my hair blue in high school. Was in a car accident and hurt my head. When my head was wrapped, the nurses spent days ripping me off saying that I looked like a blue pineapple. Funny as hell.
Have you seen the "Members Only" thread on the silliness board?
Well my new year hasnt been that happy but i'm trying. I was depressed for like the first week but i'm feeling a little better now. sometimes i never really know what to write but i feel like i should say something cause i'm tired of the old blog. don't expect any new sets soon until i get in better shape. i've realized i prefer...
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Check out this thread I started. Here.
Well christmas was great. But I dont think New Years Eve is going to be. the boy was here he left cause he had to work saturday and i doubt hes going to be here tommorow cause its a 6 hour drive and hes probably tired. I wouldn't be so upset but he promised he was going to be here on new years on top...
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If I did I'd be happy to kiss you on new years. I'll be sleeping when new years hits I think since I have to get up for work really damn early. I think it's been 10 years since I had a New Years Eve kiss. One of these days I'll get around to that again. Hope it's a better night then you think it will be smile
My new laptop has a remote control! My dad came over last nite with an external drive to help me tranfser some files to my new computer from my old one. He also brought me the remote for my new computer. I think its mostly supposed to be use to watch videos and dvds but it can also turn the computer. I havent figured out...
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Wow, thats fucking cool!! I love gadgets and stuff like that. Have a great weekend!
i need a new laptop
hope you are doing well

Christmas is awesome. I ate to admit that i celebrate christian holidays but i dont really count this one since its so hyped up and commercial. Its more for the giving and coming together to get awesome presents. I got a new speical edition HP laptop its not the pink Dell i wanted but its close enough its white/gray with some interesting design. I seriously...
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Sweet! New laptop is cool! I hung out by myself today. Not exciting, but relaxing.
Things are with my emotions are up and down right alot lately. I rented shock treatment on my netflix and if didn't know thats the sequel to Rocky Horror Picture Show. I forgot so much about it (shock treatment) and how much I loved it and the music. I was watching this thing on the special features of the dvd about the music is Shock...
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I had no idea there was a sequel. I will have to check that out.