From rubymoon


Hey! Thank you very much for your support in my new set. I'm really glad you enjoyed it πŸ˜πŸŒΉπŸ’–

From rhavena


Amo tanto teus sets como fotΓ³grafa. Quando que acaba essa quarentena para gente fotar? πŸ’•πŸ’–

AAAAAA sua linda! Vamos fotar ❀️

From itrix


Thank you for your love and support for my set, it is very important to me πŸ’—πŸ”₯

From khachery


😍😍😍🌷🌹🌹🌹 obrigada pelo apoio em meu novo set❣ ❀❀ beijos πŸ’„πŸ‘„ 🌹🌹🌷🌷⚘ linda😍⚘

$50.00 Tip From jmccormo



OH HUN! Thank you so much for that! <3 will help me a lot in this quarantine. You're lovely, thank you really

$1.00 Tip From Anonymous


Congrats on FP!

Thank you!! I'm so happy with that <3

Your truly something beautiful. Any person would be lucky to be around such an angel😊❀❀

This is one of the most beautiful things i heard here! Thank you baby <3

From surge69


You are one little gorgeous woman!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍❀❀❀❀

From mailinya


Thank you so much for your comment on my last set ! It is so adorable ! πŸ–€ It means a lot to me ! 😽😽

you're welcome baby, you're so beautiful, hope you become pink soon

From jacleric


Feliz aniversario, minha amiga!  πŸŽ‚πŸ¨πŸ»πŸ’œπŸ’‹

Late, sorry ;)
thank you so much baby! you're so caring friend, i lovedΒ  <3

$10.00 Tip From gaby


aaaa perfeitaaa <333

$100.00 Tip From jacleric


Okay.Β  So.Β  I left myself an entire evening to parse your last 6 sets... and it did, indeed, take me all night.Β  Because EVERY SINGLE PICTURE of you is painfully gorgeous.Β  Shiiiiit... I dunno.Β  Maybe we met in a past life.Β  Maybe, even better, we will meet in a future one.Β  You. Are. A. GODDESS. @pisces

Love you too, @pisces babe.Β  Dayum.Β  I hope I don't get hit by anyone else like this here again, soon.Β  That shit HURT <3<3<3
I hope so, jealous of thinking about that LOL <3 <3 slytherin pisces and ravenclaw scorpio is a good match i guess

From jacleric


Oi linda!  Someday I will make a post on my page for you... but not today, or soon.  For now I am just dumbstruck, and stupefied <3<3<3  Sorry for being effusive.  Could. Not. Help. Myself

i'm blushing rn! <333

$100.00 Tip From jacleric


I still have 6 more sets to go.Β  But I cannot possibly go on, tonight.Β  There are no words.Β  I am speechless.Β  This never happens

I'm speechless! I cannot thank you enough for this, really!! you're truly amazing and these words made my day! thank you so much for appreciate my work here and make me feel seen, this is priceless <33