From james63


Hey sexy lady, looks like you've been naughty recently, Excellent!! Keep up the good work, looking forward to your next set, hope it's not too long😍😍😘😘💜💜

Of course! Thank you so much for you support 🥰 my next One Will be out in 4 months! 😻 I'm very excited, i'm sure you Will appreciate It A LOT!

$10.00 Tip From wordmariner


I left an answer to a comment I left in August for you.... about "the one that got away".....and here's a little tip to go with it! <3

I'm really glad that i reminds you good memory of her, and i'm really Happy you are still Friends ❤️
I'm glad you finally found my story about her.Crissy was "the one that got away". I'm not sure if they use that saying in Italy but I'm sure there is something like it in any ethnicity. Thanks for reading it though. Much appreciated. XOXO Sam

$3.33 Tip From californiaph


Congratulations 🎉 What a great set🎉You have such a sweet spirit ✨✨✨Ciao Ciao, Marc😎

Thank you so much! I Hope you enjoy my new One too! Sorry i Just saw now your message checking my profile "other" section because i have Always a lot of notification and sometimes i loose some messages  😢

$15.00 Tip From Anonymous


Omg thank you so much ❤️ I really appreciate!

From mily


Less than 4 weeks before your new set! I will be super happy to see it! Meanwhile, enjoy yourself!

Love you babeeee ❤️❤️❤️

$1.00 Tip From chickadee_sun


This is so gorgeous. 😍 Beautiful you - great use of lighting and black and white photography! 💌🖤💌

From dtimm87


I'm not really surprised that it happened, but I'm super happy to see that you've turned pink! Congrats!!

$2.00 Tip From chickadee_sun


Congratulations!!! 💋💋💋

Thank you babe ❤️❤️❤️ i'm really Happy and grateful 🤩🤩
You're so welcome! I wish I could give more. 💖

From emanuel


Congratulations on being pink, my love!!! So well deserved. 😘😘😘

Thank you babe!!! I’m not even realizing that yet 😍😍

$5.00 Tip From notaguru222


I love your hopeful set “White Pony”. Can’t wait to see more of you!

Thank you so much! More and more Will come 🥰 next Will be avaiable in two months!

$10.00 Tip From dennovondiesel


Goddess <3

Thank you so much Den ❤️ Your always so nice! I hope you are feeling better today ❤️

$10.00 Tip From wordmariner


You are so incredibly lovely and remind me of the "one that got away"! So beautiful....and real!

Thank you so much babe ❤️ I have replied in a message but I didn’t read the comment and instead that needs almost a comment too.. I really want to know more about this story my friend! Would you like to share? ❤️❤️
I have a friend with long black hair and a bit of Italian in her blood, who was a good deal younger than me (I was 60, she was 30). We both were attracted to each other but I kept putting her off because I was afraid other people would think I was being a "nasty old man" because she was so much younger than me. Still, though, we would entice each other so that it just became a game between us and we never went any further. Eventually, we just became fast friends and she moved in with me but we never had sex. I fell head over heels in love with her, then, and she knew it because I confided in her BFF...and instead of us following through, she started going out with older guys than her...older and older until she picked up a guy one night and brought him home and they had wild sex in her room. I was working at my desk the next morning and this guy came out the room and I was shocked at how old he looked and how drunk he was at 7am...we looked at each other and he went back into her room. Anyway, that's how it went for a while until she said she was not just going to move out but move away, too. We talked it over and she did just that, even though she knew I was in love with her and would do anything for her. After she moved away, our friendship just grew and grew and we still love each other but from afar. And she was "the one that got away"! I miss taking the chance I had when I had it!

$5.00 Tip From dennovondiesel


Beautiful 🥰

Thank you for this present ❤️❤️❤️ means so much for me! 🥰 I'm really glad you appreciate my work here!
My pleasure! Thanks for your effort and you are definitely appreciated. 🥰😍