Hello my loved SG community, @missy and @rambo <3

This blog homework is really fitting for me right now, because I've been ill for about three weeks :(

Sadly, my appetite always shrinks during those times, I'm not able to taste anything. So I mostly try to rely on either very simple foods (like bread... the German kind) or spicy stuff.

Also, I like having...
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@crybaby_ really?? :D Wow I couldn't imagine that! What sauce do you eat with it?
I said this somewhere else, but Pho is my go to comfort food. It's warm, easy to eat, and if all you think you can handle is the broth it's ok. When I'm feeling sick, or it's just cold outside and I feel like I need something to help me not notice it so much, a warm bowl of Pho is the way to go!
@match_16 i swear it's just practice! Im very sure anyone can learn to do art, you just need to find your style and what's your thing and then just keep doing it <3 I sucked at art class in school and everybody told me that I really can't draw. But then I found peace in doing it and it all just came :)
It might be a bit of a "frame of mind" thing too, maybe it's just not the right time for me at the moment?

Hello my loved SG friends, including @missy and @rambo <3

It's 2019 already, how crazy is that? Time flies... I feel like it hasn't even been winter yet in Germany, sad!

I have already booked my first vacation for this year. It'll be Fuerteventura (Jandia) with my two besties for a week in my favourite hotel. We'll go there in March and honestly, I can't...
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I hope I can travel to latin america in april and may for 6 weeks with my backpack. I love Costa Rica and colombia and I try to travel all the way by public bus or trekking. It all depends on money and if I have a follow up job after the current one. I work as a freelancer.
Sounds great! I've never been to the Europa Park but heard only good about it. I have Phantasialand right in front of my door and sadly never even made it there since I live here. :( - My only definite plan so far is to travel to Barcelona this spring. For summer I'm thinking about Norway. Unfortunately in both cases I'm to lazy to organise anything. Oh, and London in October which is an annual trip so that's the only one which is really set so far. :)

Hello my dearest SG friends!

I'm very sorry for being inactive lately.

There were many things in my life I needed to work on recently to finally become happy again and to get back on track for my recovery after having a major relapse.

- Uni is really important for me and I'm actually doing very good, I have good grades and I believe that...
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great news, natural look is always better and makes you even more beautiful. To buy a car is always better then invest in a plastic surgery, :-))))) You look beautiful and you have an amazing body. Stay strong and keep on going. thumbs up for your power
Congrats to your good decisions.

Hey there dear SG community, @missy and @rambo <3

"Despite a fairly calm and quiet beginning, today could end up being a massive turning point for you. It all depends on who you are around today -- romantic prospects or current partners can influence your receptiveness, so try to keep all correspondence high-level and upbeat. The less distracted you are, the more likely it is...
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I’m a Pisces lady, but my ascendent is Cancer ♥️ That justifies my emotional and impulsive personality too, I totally get you lol
Pisces here. Not really sure if I believe in it, but I do have many of the features that are known from Pisces - romantic, friendly, passionate, etc.