$15.00 Tip From Anonymous


Love your photos!  Such a beautiful lady and great body art.

$3.33 Tip From californiaph


Awesome 👏🏽 Ciao Ciao, Marc😎

$7.77 Tip From californiaph


Incredible SET🔥👍🏽😎👍🏽🔥Ciao Ciao, Marc😎

From lewolf


இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ ~☾♥ HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY... WITH LOVE!!! ♥☽~ இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ


My silly dog's tail,
gets covered in old mango blossoms,
at least it's not as nasty as my kitties,
bringing me the entrails of dead lizzies,
sweet of them,
I just wish they'd see the futility,
to provide food to the provider,
nature is beautiful,
and love is sweet,
Oh, how wonderful a maybe could be,
coming from your lips,
rather your fingertips,
I'm glad to have met you,
lives forever changed,
sweetly charged,
a good night I wish,
with a gentle kiss, 
on your cheek if you prefer,
hopefully my words are not a swirl...

$15.00 Tip From Anonymous


$1.00 Tip From jdog7077


absolutely my favorite set

$5.00 Tip From Anonymous
