Gaia! love
...dicen que soy
un disastre total
que soy mala hierba...

I took the day off from work today, and I can't wait to see what's in store for me for the rest of the week.
Forgot to call the doc to make an appointment today, and had to spend $90 on a replacement cell phone. Yay.

I went to see Aeon Flux this weekend, and...
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is my face.

is my face...frozen.

The low for tonight is supposed to be in the teens, yet this past Saturday it was 85 degrees...sheesh!
Got a little space heater to warm my hands up enough to type a little. Thinking warm thoughts! I can't complain. This beats sweating it out at 110 degrees in the summer. At least when it's cold, you...
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i know when i first heard about the movie it was a co worker on the advent children website, i was passing by his pc terminal and saw Sephiroth and instantly stopped ans said when is the release date :-P then i found out that Square Enix is also making a FPS dirge of cerbirous(sp) it's like a story all about Vincent

Digo una palabra y idiotas aparecen de todo lado

Un ejemplo esta aqui

ya me canse de escribir, buenas noches!
I just want to say you have nice taste in music and movies and anime...have you seend the Final Fantasy VII movie yet??????
thanks for the comment on my set, hon!

*ahem* Attention please! I have an important announcement to make!

Outlook sucks!

Yep, that about sums up another work day robot
Now quit gaping and get back to work and generate revenue! That's an order! robot
My back is killing me....
Pardon, my chair is killing me...slowly....
I sit on my ass way too much. oink
sit up straight! stop slouching! hold your stomach in, it directly affects your back!

what other orders could i bark out...hmmm. confused

oh yeah, stand up & stretch! wink

then go make that booty call, get your freak on & work them knots out your back. all the while you can get a booty massage... eeek eeek shocked wink
Back on track, my friends, back on track....

My posts have been vacant as of late, so time for a little fill in:

In regards to my last post in memory of Noriyuki "Pat" Morita, I would like to tell you all a story....
Mr. Morita was an intriguing man, and one of the few celebrities that I would ever want to meet, just to...
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Well, quick update:
I am staying at my current job (yay). More details on that later. One more day of work, then I can sleep in....whooo.....
smile confused whatever frown puke

Call center work sucks. Really.

I've been working at different call centers for several years now, and I think I'm pretty close to being burned out. Sales, service, stats, faxes, email, follow up calls......

I guess the positive is that I'm now a super multi-tasker confused I have a new job lined up (that I think I will actually enjoy!), but they don't guarantee hours,...
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I wish you great success in what you do. You made a decisive decision, and have stuck by it, which is pretty hard to do. Multitasking is cool too, I know I suck at it.

Kushiel's Dart... Is that the one with the concubine that can turn pain into pleasure? Or am I thinking of something else?
Yeah, HTML isn't my strong suit either.

And sadly, I've only read the initial book in the triology. I just haven't gotten around to reading the rest, although the first book is excellent.

AND you like Final Fantasy? You've gotta be a front-runner for sexiest woman alive. love
skull oooga boooga ARRR!!!

Happy Halloween!
Merry Samhain....
y para los hispanohablantes, que disfruta el Dia de los Muertos

Have fun, stay safe!
Hey honey just read your answers in the nubie quiz love ur attitude hope nto chat occassional My answers will hopefully be in soon X