Nice pic, love the expression.
What's better than one dominatrix with a heart? Two dominas wth heart!

This December 20th, Mistress Vanity (http://dominionsm.com/our-staff/vanity/) and I are traveling to Haiti to help the orphanage called New Voice House of Life. Learn more about our mission at www.snowmercy.bbnow.org.

Here's an image generated for my charity. SG won't let the link work to my fundraising site, but you get the picture. Click www.snowmercy.bbnow.org...
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Halloween is my busy season, so expect to see a lot of me! This month I have a radio appearance, two club performances, an event appearance, and I am negotiating a few photo shoots. Mix this in with my regularly scheduled appearances at The Dominion and it will be hard to miss me.

Heres a list of my four of my upcoming Los Angeles appearances...
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I posted a new update on snowmercy.com: a new spanking video is available at myspankingroommate.com.
I just posted some updates on my website: www.snowmercy.com. You can also read past news there.

I hadn't seen your site before. Neat! Your life seems fairly high on the scale of awesomeness and I'm happy for it.
Haiti has been another visit filled with ups and downs. Before I start a litany of complaints, let me tell you that I have gotten progress done. First of all, I captured footage at an orphanage. Second, I started the grant writing process for a dry sanitation project.

The orphanage houses 37 children in two temporary wood and tin shelters. Before the January 2010 earthquake,...
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This is wonderful stuff.
At 11 PM tonight I'm on the Dr. Susan Block Show *live* from Port Au Prince, Haiti. Listen at http://theater.drsusanblock.tv/wordpress/Dr. Susan Block Show

Here's a couple of photos of who I found in the bathroom Thursday night.
It's nearing the end of day 3 in Haiti. Day 1 was spent traveling and getting situated. I spent Day 2 sleeping and networking. Day 3 has been spent doing more networking and taking care of things back home via the internet. I've made connections to an Irish NGO that is seeking someone to do biogas research, and I started researching a Gates Foundation grant...
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Thank goodness for the social and economical lubricant that is booze.
legs!!!!! biggrinlovelovelovelove
Your toes certainly look relaxed. This little piggy just passed out! smile

In the second photo from Wednesday's blog your "right hand" girl's bottom has a most lovely blush rose hue. blush

Good luck during this Haitian redux, bash more concrete into oblivion, and go plumb wild doing toilet installations.