I'm having fun, here at home, by myself, drunk. Please excuse any mistypingthingys.
So I was supposed to take pictures of myself in some of the outfits Ben bought me. Buuuuut... seeing as how I'm 1. Drunk 2. It's that time of month, and 3. I'm feeling rather fat. Don't roll your eyes at me. This is the second time in my life that I've...
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Listen Miss, I don't know you, and I don't know your situation--but I do know that what you've just written is the most beautifully genuine, and truly loving thing I have seen or heard in longer than I can remember. I grew up military, and have been a Gypsy for a long time--the desire, feelings, and aspirations you express are what every man worth his salt dreams of from a woman--believe me. The forked tongues of snakes wag in the sweet air in front of them because the stench of the serpent itself always drowns out and ruins the purity of what surrounds them--let people like this say what they will, they will never possess the love that you illustrate and would work so hard for. Never let yourself doubt the truth, do not cultivate regret, and hold no shame about any of your traits your enemies will do that enough for you_why do their work for them and give them more to manipulate? Without controlling the thoughts we feed, we do not govern our own actions_becoming puppets to circumstance. It is in this way that the negative succeed without throwing a single stone. Listen to your love and nothing else_all else will fall away in time as your heart will rejuvenate you always_you will outlast anything unwanted, and be free to watch the years unfold.

Best of luck, and many blessings.
Thanks! biggrin
YAY! I'm going home next month. Which means my dearies, the hubby's unit is coming back soon... ish. I'm just so happy to be getting my life started, you know, moving towards a goal instead of just being. I was starting to feel stagnant.
I'm hoping that man of mine is willing to do a couple shoots with me... I'm hoping to replace the...
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Seems like you two have been waiting ages, I expect you will be more quiet on here once he's home again- no time for the internet, too much to do! The honeymoon plans sound ace too!

Now, the date for the cat? Well, I thought it would be the right thing to do you know? Hehe. smile

The cake thing, well that was a surprise to me really- it is the first time I'd ever tried making a cake at all, sober or otherwise! I'm gonna try brownies next, can't be that hard, right? biggrin
How sweet of your man! Good luck on the move.

And thanks so much for the encouraging words!! kiss
So I just realized that I have only 4 months until I leave WA, got to NC for a week to see my family, ship all my household goods to Italy, then leave for Germany myself to see some friends for awhile, and then my baby comes home!! Thats 120 days till my vacation/move and 150 until he comes home!!! OMG... I cannot freakin wait,...
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awesome, i live about 3 hours north of there but i went to school near fayetnam (as i call it).
have fun!
like grass. kinda gross
i had a great birthday. talked to the hubby...i really miss him. he's ridiculously good to me. did some shopping, got gorgeous new dresses and such. it was a good day. and yes Lofty, that place we discussed before is where we're sending her. we want to send her to the games, but can't afford anything before august. are the games still going around that...
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Glad to hear that you had a great birthday hun!

How are you feeling? Good I hope! Um... thanks for leaving a comment on my set (it didn't say anything) but I know you had something really nice to say when you were typing wink

Next time I get over to Seattle, we have got to hang out.

... and when is your damn set going to go live!?! I can't wait, I keep hoping that it will be up every 4 hours!
So Monday was surgery day. And I can attest to the ouch factor. However, it is SO worth it. I know there are people out there who think that me doing this was foolish, self centered, shallow, blah blah blah. I have been wanting this for years, not because of some super model on a shiny magazine page or that Vicky's model strutting her stuff...
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Good for you. can't wait to see hte before and after shots
You all are the best! Thanks so much for your support and encouragement! It means so much to me kiss love And yes, 15 month deployments are bogus, but, we are gonna make it through just fine (needless to say we've gotten much more creative lately since we cant ACTUALLY do anything LOL). Again, thank you kiss kiss kiss
I am so SICK of being sick. I'll be fine, running errands, hanging out with friends, having a good time, then BAM, nauseous. After i dry heave a little, I get these migraines. I've had migraines before, but the nausea always came after and only when they were really really bad. I've had a headache for 2 weeks now... ibuprofen is my friend! and Excedrin....
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it seems like pleasing your man is at the top of ur list of things to do hats off to ya. I think the video idea is a great idea it is a step in the right direction of a possible 3 some but without him actually touching someone else I think it is a little to soon for that so every one wins. If only I was a hot girl. What ever u do I am sure he will love it then again who wouldn't. I am sure ur hubby is thinkin I have myself a keeper!! u go just make sure u post the video so us not so fortunate can njoy
There is no giving up on the horizon, I promise you that! I will simply refer to something a friend told me a while ago... "If in doubt, delegate!"
Love the last photo... You are so cute!!! Glad to hear that you had a good Christmas!

I can't wait for your set to go live... How long have you been in limbo?

When does your man come home?
How does one know if they have SAD? Or is it just the season biggrin I'm missing Ben, a lot. Tired of working Saturday's but will continue to do so (when you don't have a lot of money, you do what you need to... and maybe bitch a little, ok a lot, along the way!).
I haven't decided if I really am into the whole Christmas...
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Gorgeous! You never take a bad picture.

Happy Holidays...
People annoy me sometimes. How does someone get it in their head that they are smarter, wiser, BETTER than someone else? It's caused me to re-evaluate my friends. I'm sorry, but if a person cannot support me and my hubby, they can go fuck themselves. I feel like an ass too with how much I stood up for said friend with Ben. I guess I...
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People annoy me sometimes. How does someone get it in their head that they are smarter, wiser, BETTER than someone else? It's caused me to re-evaluate my friends. I'm sorry, but if a person cannot support me and my hubby, they can go fuck themselves. I feel like an ass too with how much I stood up for said friend with Ben. I guess I...
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Thank you everyone for giving me advice on the 3some thing. I still havent figured it out fully, but, it's not like it's a rush, since he will be deployed till Aug/Sept of next year. I miss him. Sorry, it's just kinda tough at night. And the cats are avoiding me, I guess I've been a bit grumpy. I wonder sometimes what contributes to how...
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You are in Seattle right? You and your boy might find it fun to just go out to Capital hill one night, go to a couple of bars there, and try to see if you meet anyone while you are out, not to start up anything right away, but that is how the best friend and her man got started...

Setting rules is very important, good luck hun... kiss
Oh.. thanks hun, my photographer is going to photoshop, crop and we are going to cut a few shots then I will put it up for SCS.

How are you doing?
I figured it out! I had this epiphany when I was in the shower! I figured out that I can fulfill Ben's fantasy of a threesome if I'm just not that close to him. If I distance myself emotionally from him, you know, that way I won't get all stupid and jealous. I'm silly that way, getting jealous. I mean he married me right? And...
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I dont think a threesome would be the best idea. The start out as a good idea, but end up bad in the end because people feelings get hurt.
not a good idea things start out innocent but the odds of regreting it later r to hign and most likely will cause unneeded strain on the relationship there r so many other ideas to try first to keep things fun and interesting use this as a option to keep open after u explore many other avenues