big boob appreciation

A group for people who just love big boobs. Post your favorites, talk about your favorites, bask in boob glory. P.S. No milk jokes. Ever.

sex talk

Talk about sex, relationships, love, and everything related. Please remember to be respectful.


A group for discussion and recommendation of Comic Books and other things that fall under the category of Sequential Art.


Anything related to music, bands, musicians, record releases, etc.

makeup & beauty

Discuss any topic related to making your appearance the best it can be. From skin care to makeup to stress relief to nutrition to surgical techniques.

SuicideGirls Only

SUICIDEGIRLS ONLY. All posts in this group and information disclosed are private and confidential; not to be shared outside the group.

science fiction & futurism

"Everything is becoming science fiction. From the margins of an almost invisible literature has sprung the intact reality of the 20th century." --J.G. Ballard Come surf the future fantastic with us.

dungeons & dragons

Love rolling 20's? Fear the dreaded fumble? Do you have to hold your breath everytime you make a will save? Do you know what a will save is? Do you dream of one day killing a dragon? Then this is the place for you! A group for adventurers from far …