$20.00 Tip From nonexn


Welcome back? I hope you find yourself NOLA bound.


You are gorgeous! Your back tattoo is awesome!! I love it. That’s by far the coolest wings I’ve ever seen. I love your sets. Perfect breasts and amazing body by the way. 


Please do another set here. You are an amazing woman, an awesome mom and you are outstanding beautiful. The surgery made you even stronger.


Upon further consideration of your photo sets, i felt that i had to remove my likes. But only so i could like them again. Your very beautiful. Hope all is well in your life.


Ich sag es jetzt mal kurz und knapp: Von Mutter Natur mit Schönheit gesegnet! War (und ist) mir eine Freude deine Sets zu bewundern!


I joined SG only because I bumped into one of your photoshot and I feel the need to say that your husband must be the luckiest man on hearth and I sure hope he's worship the ground you step on :-p


Thrilled to see you back! Sad to hear you've had a hard time - but you are absolutely right - sometimes there are times to help the world, but there are also (probably more) times to help yourself be what you want to be, or try out something new just for you.

Sounds like you're in a better place now, and I know I'm just one of many who will be right with you wishing you every happiness in life!

I dont really post much on here, but I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you being so candid on here. Your outer beauty caught my eye, and the inner beauty keeps me reading....okay, the outer beauty keeps me checking for updates. Guilty. :)