Hush little child

For the dusk is upon us

The seeming safety of the suns rays is falling away


Can you hear her

The forest she speaks

She tosses and turns and stretches

Like a beast awakening from sleep


Can you feel her

As her breath begins to stir in the wind


Can you smell her

As the leafs that have fallen...
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I wrote this after an astral projection experience to my fiends farm in Costa Rica

i used to baby sit their son's Jangara and Baraka, and i developed strong uncle like connection to them both

i could feel them emanating fear of the jungle as they camped with their mum, and didn't want to wake her up...

i did my best to comfort them in that astral state

and then wrote this upon return to my physical body
Hey Sunyata!

Thanks for the FR smile
I hope to be Sg soon...


The trinity of Reality
is not nor can ever transcend our Duality
it is nothing but a dream a whisper of Reality
oh no, it is so far from a fallacy
yet only one part of you and me
only one cell of human beings
you see
these seas and their crashing wave
these hills and their hollowed caves
these sands and their...
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oh and a little background...an old friend Regina Spangle (look her up on facebook and harass her tongue itll be funny wink ...no no jk dont do that..lol) was ranting at the time i wrote this about how the world was far to dualistic...and needed to remedy this by splitting into a trinity (which she failed to recognize already exists in many many cultures...ironically her pagan based and christian based systems alike) based system....

fool didn't realize she was falling prey to the training she revived from that very system she wanted gone...by further splitting here perception rather than unifying it as she wanted...silly girl...lol

any way that is were the word Trialty surreal came from...from her rantings...this is in essence a poem to every human...but was originally written to her...indirectly though

any hoo

Once upon a midnight dreary...

as the rain and pain washed over my window and over my sheets

I faded in and out of what most call rest or sleep

for me it was nothing but flickering screens of the "waking" dream

and my subconscious screams

I began to wish for an answer, a release, and salvation

and slowly a vision came forth

the room...
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Thank You Luna

Thank you moon for pulling on emotions and mind
Like the shifting ocean tides
Stretching them until they snap
Like a string across a bow
Pulled far too tight
That the pressure can no longer fight

Thank you moon for pushing on I on Me
So that Eye may breath and ear may sea
Deep in the black liquid abyss of that...
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LIstening to Dao...Late one night

Dao spoke to me (Me, as in a single cell of its self.)

It spoke in tongue not of tongue, in voice not of voice, in word not of word.

It said nothing and everything.

This is what I wrote upon waking.

When the moon falls from the sky, and the tides run ramped, and chaos and death ensue the...
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thought for my first blog i'd share some poetry....

Flickering TV Screens and Shining Blades Oct 16, '09 10:20 AM

Im sitting in a room
Filled from floor to ceiling
With monitors and TVs
All playing at once
Like some sort of torture system
Derived to scatter the mind
Preparing it for destruction
Stretching is focus and power so thin
That soon it will snap...
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Its funny, my mates and I have been joking about Boobix cube since I shot the set tongue