I didn't know if I wanted to post something on here or not, I diddn't know what were the right words. But I realised there were no right words to describe what happened yesterday in Paris, to describe how wounded and deeply shattered we all feel now in France. 12 persons have been killed, shot guned in a heartless way. 12 persons who were journalists, economist, policemen, doing their job, protecting our society, our rights, our nation, protecting us.
I can't explain how schocked I am, I can't find the right words to describe that feeling since yesterday. My thoughts go to the victims and their family,and my wish and hopes go to the future of French nation : may we stay united and face violence and hate together as one.
today, more than ever :
and as my words are not as strong as I would want them to be I think this drawing will speak for me :
they try to kill Charlie, to destroy us, our freedom of speech, our tradition... But we will stand up and be stronger together.