the contraction of ji and cry gives jiji crycry...
i want you to rip me to shreads.
(here is what the fall of Rome was).
Now, the electro compilation I don't feel like going back and re-normalizing because I lost my plot files and playlists:
01. David Carretta - Neuropolitiks
02. Christian Vogel - They Bought you at the Party
03. Billy Nasty - Celibrate the Roots
04. Le Car - Cinematic/Automatic
05. David Carretta + Dip - Contact
06. Dexter - I am not Alden
07. Adult. - Hand to Phone
08. Detroit in Effect - Get up
09. Trevor Jackson - Pink Lunch
10. Richard Bartz - Street Dynamite
11. Larry McCormack - Escape
12. Vector Lovers - Electrobotik Disco
13. Ascii Disco - Einfach
14. Dexter - No More
15. The Mogs - Kelly Blame
16. Felix da Housecat - Silverscreen/Shower Scene (Adult. Rmx)
My latest goal is to end every joural on the 69th post... the lucky 69th person of my journal will receive a photoshoppe-award at the end of my journal... Won't you help make a 'lonely' 'asian' 'girl''s dream cum true?
What's it like knowing you'll never have me? What's it like knowing I'll never BE me? Don't let anyone lure you with a baited trap... if they're trying too hard, they're probably lying.
Mika deshita!
I like warm air, going over my skin...
Billions of world systems and your body is crawling and crashing into the surf~.
-Giorno (Scum & Slime)
I'm a drama free,laid back,fun,animal lover! I like to watch my BIG SCREEN TV,420, movies,music,EAT,etc...Only click on me if we are going to meet...GO SOX,PATS,Celts,B's. I won't do 4 sums,and I'm NOT interested in your man.
You've checked out the sets, the girls, the threads, the witty banter, hung out on IRC, puzzled at something magicflute said, got your rocks off, only one question remains:
HERE IS AN EXAMPLE of a thread I just wont read. I've translated it to some 'mystery!' language and changed a few things to protect the innocent:
Den dr er den! Jag har har nog! Jag er gr till lmna bolschevicks, den er fik bortom en skmt. JAG snl , varfr helveten skulle en 1942 uttrycka ess innehlla 500 orden anfra frn annan folk , den er rttvis dum. JAG alltid tanken akademikern gick till vara omkring demonstrationen hur intelligent Jag var , inte hur brunn JAG kunde ska igenom annan folken verk till demonstrera min tanken. Den icke demonstrera ngot. Och den ironisk saken er , den var lsande Bill Brasky's arbeta p oroa med akademikern vilken gjord jag realisera hur meningsls alt r. Och hans verk var del om min kurs! Rygg till verklig vrld , med pengar JAG icke gr det vara skyldig till sjlvaste , och folk vem icke gr det samtal igenom deras hoopala alla dagen , och d citera den till annan secretariat.
editor's note: there are four words that best describe a post like that, too long; didn't read.
Okay, if your thread contains THAT much text without any line breaks, all in one big glob, usually the whole jist can be summed up rite at the last line... Most of the time it's a question, like AM I TOO SCARY TO DATE? If your last name ends in "Buesy", then YES. I like threads of the verity, "Post your hot ass", or "Check out my hot ass"...
Since you ask, most days I cannot remember.
I walk in my clothing, unmarked by that voyage.
Then the almost unnameable lust returns.
---Anne Sexton
You think you're so smart. but you're just as stupid as all the others... all the others with their big dicks!
---Jaques Tardi
Current Song: Bloc Party ~ Like Eating Glass
I just made the best compilation in the world, and there is not a weepy song on it... I'll torrent it for the people whom I love. You! (Updated Playlist, forte'!)
01. Ladd Company Intro
02. Peaches - I don't give a fuck
03. Rahmelzee vs K. Rob - Beat Bob Take II
04. Les Savy Fav - No Sleeves
05. The Notwist - This Room
06. Clinic - Porno
07. The Kills - At the Back of the Shell
08. Sage Francis - Broken Wings
09. Bloc Party - Like Eating Glass
10. Louis XIV - God Killed the Queen
11. Radio 4 - Dance to the Underground
12. The Killers - Mr. Brightside
13. Liquid Liquid - Optimo
14. ESG - You make no sense
15. Stereo Total - I love you Ono
16. Serge Gainsbourg - Requim un Pour C
17. Soft Cell - Numbers
18. Romeo Void - Never Say Never
19. ChkChkChk - Me & Guliani Down by the Schoolyard.
20. Gang of Four - Natural's not in it
21. The Futureheads - Manray
22. Suicide - Cheree
Now, this is the sort of discourse that people should become familiar with when dealing with yon internet. The below refers to a torrent of the movie Thirteen myself and someone else did (on a website far far away) a while back... sit back and enjoy the punditry.
i want you to rip me to shreads.
(here is what the fall of Rome was).

Now, the electro compilation I don't feel like going back and re-normalizing because I lost my plot files and playlists:
01. David Carretta - Neuropolitiks
02. Christian Vogel - They Bought you at the Party
03. Billy Nasty - Celibrate the Roots
04. Le Car - Cinematic/Automatic
05. David Carretta + Dip - Contact
06. Dexter - I am not Alden
07. Adult. - Hand to Phone
08. Detroit in Effect - Get up
09. Trevor Jackson - Pink Lunch
10. Richard Bartz - Street Dynamite
11. Larry McCormack - Escape
12. Vector Lovers - Electrobotik Disco
13. Ascii Disco - Einfach
14. Dexter - No More
15. The Mogs - Kelly Blame
16. Felix da Housecat - Silverscreen/Shower Scene (Adult. Rmx)

My latest goal is to end every joural on the 69th post... the lucky 69th person of my journal will receive a photoshoppe-award at the end of my journal... Won't you help make a 'lonely' 'asian' 'girl''s dream cum true?
What's it like knowing you'll never have me? What's it like knowing I'll never BE me? Don't let anyone lure you with a baited trap... if they're trying too hard, they're probably lying.
Mika deshita!
I like warm air, going over my skin...
Billions of world systems and your body is crawling and crashing into the surf~.
-Giorno (Scum & Slime)

I'm a drama free,laid back,fun,animal lover! I like to watch my BIG SCREEN TV,420, movies,music,EAT,etc...Only click on me if we are going to meet...GO SOX,PATS,Celts,B's. I won't do 4 sums,and I'm NOT interested in your man.

You've checked out the sets, the girls, the threads, the witty banter, hung out on IRC, puzzled at something magicflute said, got your rocks off, only one question remains:

HERE IS AN EXAMPLE of a thread I just wont read. I've translated it to some 'mystery!' language and changed a few things to protect the innocent:
Den dr er den! Jag har har nog! Jag er gr till lmna bolschevicks, den er fik bortom en skmt. JAG snl , varfr helveten skulle en 1942 uttrycka ess innehlla 500 orden anfra frn annan folk , den er rttvis dum. JAG alltid tanken akademikern gick till vara omkring demonstrationen hur intelligent Jag var , inte hur brunn JAG kunde ska igenom annan folken verk till demonstrera min tanken. Den icke demonstrera ngot. Och den ironisk saken er , den var lsande Bill Brasky's arbeta p oroa med akademikern vilken gjord jag realisera hur meningsls alt r. Och hans verk var del om min kurs! Rygg till verklig vrld , med pengar JAG icke gr det vara skyldig till sjlvaste , och folk vem icke gr det samtal igenom deras hoopala alla dagen , och d citera den till annan secretariat.
editor's note: there are four words that best describe a post like that, too long; didn't read.
Okay, if your thread contains THAT much text without any line breaks, all in one big glob, usually the whole jist can be summed up rite at the last line... Most of the time it's a question, like AM I TOO SCARY TO DATE? If your last name ends in "Buesy", then YES. I like threads of the verity, "Post your hot ass", or "Check out my hot ass"...

Since you ask, most days I cannot remember.
I walk in my clothing, unmarked by that voyage.
Then the almost unnameable lust returns.
---Anne Sexton

You think you're so smart. but you're just as stupid as all the others... all the others with their big dicks!
---Jaques Tardi
Current Song: Bloc Party ~ Like Eating Glass

I just made the best compilation in the world, and there is not a weepy song on it... I'll torrent it for the people whom I love. You! (Updated Playlist, forte'!)
01. Ladd Company Intro
02. Peaches - I don't give a fuck
03. Rahmelzee vs K. Rob - Beat Bob Take II
04. Les Savy Fav - No Sleeves
05. The Notwist - This Room
06. Clinic - Porno
07. The Kills - At the Back of the Shell
08. Sage Francis - Broken Wings
09. Bloc Party - Like Eating Glass
10. Louis XIV - God Killed the Queen
11. Radio 4 - Dance to the Underground
12. The Killers - Mr. Brightside
13. Liquid Liquid - Optimo
14. ESG - You make no sense
15. Stereo Total - I love you Ono
16. Serge Gainsbourg - Requim un Pour C
17. Soft Cell - Numbers
18. Romeo Void - Never Say Never
19. ChkChkChk - Me & Guliani Down by the Schoolyard.
20. Gang of Four - Natural's not in it
21. The Futureheads - Manray
22. Suicide - Cheree

Now, this is the sort of discourse that people should become familiar with when dealing with yon internet. The below refers to a torrent of the movie Thirteen myself and someone else did (on a website far far away) a while back... sit back and enjoy the punditry.
SenatorIvy said
Where's your god-damned screenshots?
Sucking your mom's dick.
Clear enough, asswipe?
Lock & Loll
doko ni sundeiru?