What do you do when your best friend insist on his own self destruction? I'm so sick of drugs, and failure, and delusional thinking.
All you can do is everything you can. Just be clear and up front with them. Make sure they understand they are there for you
You obviously don't know me, but I saw you were in the philly. I'm the last of my friends to not migrate into the city, but that's essentially where my social life is. Obviously there's no easy answer. Getting a good diagnosis would be the first step. It's hard to help someone if you don't know what their underlying issue or issues are. I'd say more, but I realize you don't know me. You seemed cool and I saw this recent post and I've struggled myself to find good help for depression. If these sound like givens, I'm sorry. Otherwise, being qualified as a psychological therapist has no relevance really to how good they are. It's taken me two years to find someone who's got a clue. I wish someone would have told me this a long time ago.

otherwise, have a good weekend.

I don't wanna work today. It will be seven days straight with no end in site. I need the money so i shouldn't complain I know. I need a root canal too. So i really should be happy for the extra hours. Bah. puke My relationship has seems to have gotten better. No big fights in a while. We don't spend too much time together and...
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oh no root canal not a fun thing - hope it worked out
Relationships really are hard. Everyday is a battle within myself. "He blames me for everything thats wrong" "He loves me and all my flaws" " Why can't I be more attractive?" "He already told me that he dosn't see himself marrying me so whats the point?" " I can't imagin being this comfortable around another man. He sees me act as a child in a...
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He already told me that he dosn't see himself marrying me so whats the point?
Yea we were fighting and he said something like " honestly kate you talk about marriage but I'm so misrable right now I don't really see that happening" I don't know if that was jut said in anger but he has some commitment issues.
Hey I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. My boyfriend and i have been trying to reconsile after a huge blow up where he left me temporally. It's like the fourth time he broke up with me in the past three years. I don't know he's always telling me I'm misrable and I need help, or that I need to change. I'm...
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I know your right. Thanks.
Sounds like your just grinding on each other and not in a good way, if the relationship is bringing you down more than it's making you feel good then something is pretty wrong. Nobody has the "perfect" relationship you get the ups and the downs,it works both ways. Hope things work out for you.smile
I swear I must have a sign on me somewhere that says yell at me today. I know it's hot but why are all these men taking there shit out on me. I think it has something to do with there balls and the heat.puke
Yeah, I know my balls don't like the heat. They get cranky.
My life is suxing today. I have this aweful feeling in the pit of my stomach. My boyfriend and I have been going through yet another rough patch. Basicly I get upset about my looks or something stupit and I get all moody and it makes him misrable. Then he threatens to leave as he so often dose, and then I get offened that he...
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it's been my experience your gut knows best....and your friends seem to know more than you think...listen to what they say, watch for red flags and try to look at things from the outside...
I couldn't have said it better myself, listen to the Oracle he speaks the truth!smile