i request an advance pardoning of mellow-drama

pretty bummer summer.
work consumes me.
i do have a fun job
but without my favorite human most things now feel empty.
music is my only real solace these days.
i suppose not all of my waking moments are awful;
the metal has been in good supply.
coffee is always nice in the mornings,
even when i never found sleep.
and friends are starting to trickle back into my life after the past few odd months in which the past five years seem to have been obliterated
i hate to complain and thus we will transition
into things likely more pleasing to your mind and eye
(but thank you for listening)
last friday was a good show at gooski's: stampede with mower, del rios, and lord dying.
if you find yourself in pittsburgh, drink at gooski's. i love that bar.
i saw the conjuring last night. it was predictable
but the new evil dead is now out on dvd, and that makes up for it.
finally acquired this precious and most essential morsel:
i have books in the mail
and pholcus phalangioides on the stairs
i saw the oscar mayer wiener mobile
and my spider plant has savagely spawned.
i have a new set in member review july 29th, fault and fracture
it was shot by corwinprescott , who is a rad dude.
i'm going to an awesome show (dawnbringer, argus and lady beast) on thursday.
\m/ fucking metal. \m/
naam is playing here in august.
jesu is releasing a new album in september.
i purchased my ticket for nine inch nails in october.
and now for an abrupt and awkward ending:
signing off.
<3 Rexx
i need to get the fuck outta dodge.