Defective 'Y' chromazone!

Help me out lads I'm loosing faith in you all. Recent status change but I'm oddly not too beat up about it, I should have done it years ago, guess I just hoped I wouldn't need to. Twat.

I had put on more weight which thankfully only went to my tummy and chest... woo...
so because my fave exercise is tummy tucks...
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Recently turned 21,

Got 3 cards and a necklace and a forgotten christmas present....

Oh boy...
Whent into a local shoe shop and as I collect designer Vinyl figurines, this guy obviously stood out and on a whim I asked:
''Think you'd sell this to me?''
''Sure, 12.99 and its yours, gotta feed and and walk him and pet him loads *wink*''...........Uh yeah, pet him......Guess he didn't know these are shop assigned and rare.

BUT!!!! I have called him Chou, the...
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Charming, Polite, Witty, Fun, Quiet, Obediant......NOT me.
Distructive, Sour, Slow, Kill joy, Loud, Extremeist, Protective and Confrontational.
Cool smile
Sounds good though smile