So I've been more than a little absent from this site for a while. We've all read this line is blog about 100 times.. but I think I might be coming to the end of my time here. I've met some genuine life long friends thru SG and I've had some excellent times. There was a time when SGUK meets were a massive part of my life and I loved every single one of them. I've not been able to get t many these days and I mainly blame this guy...

This 10 months with him has been challenging, enlightening and amazing. In October we move in together.. yet another challenge but one I'm ready to tackle.. he's never lived with a girlfriend before.. I'm pretty sure he has no idea what he's let himself in for
Though it's not all his fault.. I've just been busy doing stuff like baking all the time and trying to do some other stuff with my life.
I'm not gonna disappear from here completely... gonna try my best to get to more meets (DEF gonna be at Drew's Leeds meet) and will probably just stick around and continue to lurk as I do now

This 10 months with him has been challenging, enlightening and amazing. In October we move in together.. yet another challenge but one I'm ready to tackle.. he's never lived with a girlfriend before.. I'm pretty sure he has no idea what he's let himself in for

I'm not gonna disappear from here completely... gonna try my best to get to more meets (DEF gonna be at Drew's Leeds meet) and will probably just stick around and continue to lurk as I do now

Hope the move went well and wasn't too stressfull.