Well that's it, I think I've official gone bloody mental. Almost 3 weeks ago now I did this to myself...

I thought I'd make my boyfriend some dinner for when he got home from work but instead of cutting the veg like a sensible person I did it all cack-handed and sliced through the ulnar nerve in my thumb... I'm told you need that nerve so they did surgery to fix it.
Now accidents happen and all that and this is just one of those 'shit happens' things... but I'm not allowed to drive and therefore not allowed to go to work. I live in a place where you basically have to drive to get anywhere so I've had my independence taken from me. Have you ever sat in the house all day with daytime TV?! Have you?!?! Did you consider jumping out of the window just for something to do or knocking on your neighbour's door just to see an actual person?!
Due to the stir crazyness I went to my boyfriend's place cos he lives in a town centre so I can walk to things. While he was at work I tidied and did the laundry, watched TV til I wanted to kill things and went for walks. See what I didn't realise though was I was getting my me time while he was at work, but seeing as I was there when he got home from work he was getting no time to himself. If the situation had been reversed I'm pretty sure this would have driven me up the wall... we're both people who like and are used to our own space. So before I drive him completely mental and he gets sick of me I've come home for a few days.
I am not coping with not having my independence. I fucking hate being stuck inside all the time. Even though I should be utilizing this time and writing it's just not happening. I really do think this situation has affected my mind. [EDIT: It is Affected isn't it?!]
Well that's probably enough self pity for one blog. I know people have actual proper problems and all I'm whinging about is being off work for a bit on my own. I'll shut the fuck up now.

I thought I'd make my boyfriend some dinner for when he got home from work but instead of cutting the veg like a sensible person I did it all cack-handed and sliced through the ulnar nerve in my thumb... I'm told you need that nerve so they did surgery to fix it.
Now accidents happen and all that and this is just one of those 'shit happens' things... but I'm not allowed to drive and therefore not allowed to go to work. I live in a place where you basically have to drive to get anywhere so I've had my independence taken from me. Have you ever sat in the house all day with daytime TV?! Have you?!?! Did you consider jumping out of the window just for something to do or knocking on your neighbour's door just to see an actual person?!
Due to the stir crazyness I went to my boyfriend's place cos he lives in a town centre so I can walk to things. While he was at work I tidied and did the laundry, watched TV til I wanted to kill things and went for walks. See what I didn't realise though was I was getting my me time while he was at work, but seeing as I was there when he got home from work he was getting no time to himself. If the situation had been reversed I'm pretty sure this would have driven me up the wall... we're both people who like and are used to our own space. So before I drive him completely mental and he gets sick of me I've come home for a few days.
I am not coping with not having my independence. I fucking hate being stuck inside all the time. Even though I should be utilizing this time and writing it's just not happening. I really do think this situation has affected my mind. [EDIT: It is Affected isn't it?!]
Well that's probably enough self pity for one blog. I know people have actual proper problems and all I'm whinging about is being off work for a bit on my own. I'll shut the fuck up now.

Thank you for your love and support!
Hope you're feeling better and not going so stir crazy!

WHY? Because i had nothing else to offer...