So, I took the personality test at ... their profile of me is pretty spot on, I think.
* You will generally not act impulsively. As a result, others around you may perceive a slowness of thought or action. This results not from slow thinking, but from complete analysis of the situation before acting.
* You prefer to wait until you're sure of your ground before acting. This might mean after several visits to a new place, or after a few meetings with a new person, you will feel more open to risk or share trust.
* When a new activity is considered, you may require support or encouragement to participate or perform in the new activity.
* You prefer not to seek quick personal relationships, but rather build relationships slowly. Once your relationships are formed, they tend to be lasting.
* You may be passive and even cautious in your behavior toward others. On first meeting people, you may be somewhat suspicious, wanting to be more studying of others than revealing of yourself.
* You will convey patience towards others in most situations. This patience comes from a need to maintain harmony. Others may read this as a strong stabilizing factor in your behavior.
* You dislike having to initiate new relationships. However, others may seek you out because you are a good listener, quiet and nonthreatening.
* Because you may not call attention to your own accomplishments, you may benefit from others giving recognition to you occasionally. Constant recognition may make you feel uncomfortable.
* Your strength is to bring stability, security and awareness of consequences to activities. In a sense, you may be considered as the one with the "conscience."
* You usually communicate with others in a reserved, diplomatic and congenial fashion. You are a careful and analytic listener who will generally not offer ideas or opinions unless asked.
* You don't tend to get distracted by superficial issues.
* You are good at considering information from all sides of an issue before making a decision.
* You tend to have very high values.
* You are skilled at finding practical solutions to complicated situations.
* You tend to be the "Anchor of Reality" in highly emotional situations.
* You are good at "troubleshooting" potential problems in a relationship.
Despite all that, here's the evaluation they've given me:
eHarmony is based upon a complex matching system developed through extensive research with married couples. One of the requirements for successful matching is that participants to fall within certain defined profiles. If we find that we will not be able to match a user using these profiles, we feel it is only fair to inform them early in the process.
We are so convinced of the importance of creating compatible matches to help people establish happy, lasting relationships that we sometimes choose not to provide service rather than risk an uncertain match.
Unfortunately, we are not able to make our profiles work for you. Our matching model could not accurately predict with whom you would be best matched. This occurs for about 20% of potential users, so 1 in 5 people simply will not benefit from our service. We hope that you understand, and we regret our inability to provide service for you at this time.
While I'm not quite upset about being "unique" as it just goes to reassert the fact that there probably isn't anyone out there that would really want me, or I'd make a very good boyfriend to :\null
* You will generally not act impulsively. As a result, others around you may perceive a slowness of thought or action. This results not from slow thinking, but from complete analysis of the situation before acting.
* You prefer to wait until you're sure of your ground before acting. This might mean after several visits to a new place, or after a few meetings with a new person, you will feel more open to risk or share trust.
* When a new activity is considered, you may require support or encouragement to participate or perform in the new activity.
* You prefer not to seek quick personal relationships, but rather build relationships slowly. Once your relationships are formed, they tend to be lasting.
* You may be passive and even cautious in your behavior toward others. On first meeting people, you may be somewhat suspicious, wanting to be more studying of others than revealing of yourself.
* You will convey patience towards others in most situations. This patience comes from a need to maintain harmony. Others may read this as a strong stabilizing factor in your behavior.
* You dislike having to initiate new relationships. However, others may seek you out because you are a good listener, quiet and nonthreatening.
* Because you may not call attention to your own accomplishments, you may benefit from others giving recognition to you occasionally. Constant recognition may make you feel uncomfortable.
* Your strength is to bring stability, security and awareness of consequences to activities. In a sense, you may be considered as the one with the "conscience."
* You usually communicate with others in a reserved, diplomatic and congenial fashion. You are a careful and analytic listener who will generally not offer ideas or opinions unless asked.
* You don't tend to get distracted by superficial issues.
* You are good at considering information from all sides of an issue before making a decision.
* You tend to have very high values.
* You are skilled at finding practical solutions to complicated situations.
* You tend to be the "Anchor of Reality" in highly emotional situations.
* You are good at "troubleshooting" potential problems in a relationship.
Despite all that, here's the evaluation they've given me:
eHarmony is based upon a complex matching system developed through extensive research with married couples. One of the requirements for successful matching is that participants to fall within certain defined profiles. If we find that we will not be able to match a user using these profiles, we feel it is only fair to inform them early in the process.
We are so convinced of the importance of creating compatible matches to help people establish happy, lasting relationships that we sometimes choose not to provide service rather than risk an uncertain match.
Unfortunately, we are not able to make our profiles work for you. Our matching model could not accurately predict with whom you would be best matched. This occurs for about 20% of potential users, so 1 in 5 people simply will not benefit from our service. We hope that you understand, and we regret our inability to provide service for you at this time.
While I'm not quite upset about being "unique" as it just goes to reassert the fact that there probably isn't anyone out there that would really want me, or I'd make a very good boyfriend to :\null
thanks for your lovely comment on my set! 
