Okay, so as many of you may be aware, Fox always cancels the BEST shows. 'Cause Fox doesn't know a good show when it smacks them in the face.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was such a fantastic show. I think Summer Glau can make anything awesome. She rocks.
This is an awesome video of Summer Glau as Cameron (the terminator in the show, if you didn't know) with clips from the show, set to the theme song for the 80's show "Small Wonder" (the show about the inventor dad who brings home a little girl robot VICI that sticks around and joins the family.) Summer even winks at the end, like VICI did in "Small Wonder".
It's awesome. Just watch it.
Aaaaand, even though the show was cancelled years ago... If you think it was awesome like I do and think it should never have been cancelled and should be saved if there is any chance, check out this website http://www.savethescc.com/ ... they do a hell of a lot to try to save a show that was cancelled awhile ago. Go them!
Okay, thats all for today. Peace Out.

That chick gives me the creeps.
Hahaha always, or just as a Terminator cyborg?