Thanks again to @fredhincanada
A book series that you love-
Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time. I believe the word epic is bandied about a little too much these days, but when it comes to this series it's far from an overstatement. At 14 books at between 800-1200 pages each, it's a bit of a commitment. But it's one that I've made twice and will definitely make again. I don't even know where to begin describing this. It's kind of your traditional good-vs-evil narrative, but it's so much more than that. The main "magic" plot device that Jordan created gives him free reign to make almost anything possible. The main characters are so well written, each with their own incredible story arc. My introduction to fantasy was George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, and I loved it, but once I picked this up, on a recommendation from a friend's dad, I never looked back, I think this is far superior. I love this series so much that I have a tattoo on my left arm which is a version of an Aiel Clan Chief tattoo from the books.
A simple synopsis of the story is that certain humans are able to access a mystical ever-present power that allows them to "channel" universal elements- earth, air, fire, water, spirit. During an age of abundance, these people who can channel have formed a sect called the Aes Sedai, who are at war with a Satan-like entity called the Dark one. In a last ditch effort to defeat the Dark One, the male Aes Sedai leader (The Dragon) and 100 of his best blokes (the female Aes Sedai are against this plan, so refuse to help), create a metaphysical prison to seal him away in, but as a last blow the Dark One taints the male half of the power they can channel, which causes anyone who channels this male half to slowly go insane. This happens to all the male channelers and they eventually almost destroy the world, sending civilisation back to a medieval level. Fast forward a few thousand years and the Wheel of Time has turned and The Dragon has been reincarnated for the cycle to begin again and the Dark One's prison is weakening. However, due to the taint and the breaking of the world, male channelers have now been outlawed, and only female Aes Sedai are allowed to wield the power. Will The Dragon break the world again or will he be it's saviour?