Lost plane sane in ept indepth singing loud im never proud just another day I write you who are u are u who r u so telll me why make a note of my mind my time emotions lotion potions and glassake me laugh make second guess where I spent this last time even though I still have time so much time everything can rymh...
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Another day I dont do anything but waste the day bike eat sun run clean shape work search. All these things I pass around my lips and mt hips move I groove I give people take so fake over done gone away land of none.fortexting on my phonevand no pen Iim done even though my minds so spun and thought and all the important things...
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why the fuck cant I put a profile pic up ive tried and tried it makes no sense
re size it if the file is to big it wont upload...
I know im not seeing how though.
share share share open book even if the book is burnt or trashed or you wish it to be gone at last I need inspire I need a song .. these words have been inside me all along just trying to find a way out how about I type not write show my soul to all the blind and well people who hate but Its...
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HI HERE I AM I PAID FOR THIS SO I MIGHT AS WELL USE IT . I NEED THO GET THINGS OUT IN THE OPEN . CONVERSE TELL TALK . you know these normal things people do . well between the chaos and confusion Ive caused the last 15 years of my life traveling with what is left of the grateful dead I suppose you...
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Diary diary what will I tell you today . Im lost im surrounded by myself and my own thoughts of defeat that I live with day in and day out . Wondering where I went wrong why I do wrong and what the next wrong decision will be... things go up and things go down . Everything goes all the way around in good time in my rhyme my rhythm.
Hey there if any like minded women out tbere feel free to hit me up we can get some Ink done together. For real tho hi !