From rhiangt


Dam @r_girardi your photography skills are epic. Just became a fan of you after viewing the White Phoenix set your shot with @corico. OMG flawless I cannot wit to check out more if your work both past and present.


It takes just a few passionate artists to make this a great place to return to @r_girardi, @lady, @milenci, @sierhaus, @leelou, @eydis, @chinaski, @marlene!

From babyfunk


hello R_GIRARDI, I just viewed the hopeful set you did with STELLAMYLDRED, “Do what you want”. Fantastic set! I wanted to ask, did you shoot this in a studio or a home? I really like the way you utilize the light coming through the window, behind the couch. With everything black and white, I was just curious. Thanks for the great work!

Thanks! You truly have a genuine gift for photography. I look forward to seeing more of your work! 👍
Thank you

Your latest @brunhild submission is definitely among your best. Perfect composition and balance, top tier lens work. I’m rooting for it to be the next 💖SOTD💖 for both of you 🙌

Thanks again, honey! ❤️
Thank you!!

I liked one of your sets so much that I clicked on your name to come and look for other shoots of yours. When I got to your photos all 10 sets that were visible had already been flagged as "I loved it". That says it all.

thank you :)

From marlene


I love coming on your profile and reading 'R Girardi Suicide", so appropriate :D thank you as usual! <3

From b33906


New fan of your work. The lighting on @fulmine new set "Let me fall down" is spot on. Great set for both of you. Wishing you the best and Good Luck in all you do.

thank you so much :)