I came on here just now and was startled by a sudden burst of crappy indie rock. I panicked as I looked for the source, and my best guess is that it came from one of the ads that pockmark the front page. Either that or I'm losing my mind. Again.
Haha, thanks.
1) He introduced it to the Abrahamic religions. And I should have been more specific in that he brought Eternal Hell to the Abrahamic religions. Gehenna was temporary, and only for the "wicked." I won't get into whether or not disbelief in the face of a staggering lack of evidence qualifies as "wicked."

2) You seem to assume that I'm approaching strangers and demanding they tell me their most deeply held beliefs so I can rail against them. That's not the case. I'm referring to people either joining a conversation already in progress with their non-contributions, or people making broad assertions but falling back on vague, nebulous positions when those assertions are challenged.

The metaphor/parable thing is something I hear a lot about the Bible. What I don't hear is what moral truths, exactly, they're supposed to impart. If the voice in your head tells you to kill your child, you should do it unless it tells you to stop? Don't fuck with bald people? Frankly, as a set of parables intended to teach morals, I've seen better. But let's not start asserting that most Christians are of the Thomas Jefferson variety. I've seen no evidence to back that up. The default assumption should be to take them at their word - they believe that Jesus Christ was literally the son of God, and only through him can we be redeemed for our sins (and if we are not redeemed for our sins, punishments ranging from Eternal Torture to Eternal Separation From God That Just Seems Like Torture to Annihilation are the result).

Yes, the gospels are inconsistent and they make it difficult to figure out what Jesus really said. Does that matter? In the context of this discussion, we're talking about someone who has taken what is biblically attributed to Jesus, and come to the conclusion that the person who said those things is/was some sort of moral leader. If we're rejecting the reliability of the Bible in determining what Jesus did or did not say, how do we come to any conclusions about his character?


I also meant to add, though I lost my train of thought addressing the gospels, that it was just meant to be a cathartic rant. I wouldn't take it terribly seriously.
None taken. I have a blunt and terse way of phrasing my sentences that perhaps makes me sound more hostile than intended. When it comes to theological arguments, I especially try to be as direct and succinct as possible, because it's a field so rife with vague, unending pontification.
Oscar night is great, for all the wrong reasons. The main source of entertaintment comes from the media, the interviewers and commentators. Their servile attitude towards the stars verges on the feudal. And is it just me or is the way stars (overwhelmingly women) pose for the cameras ridiculous to watch? Like watching children make faces in front of a mirror. You go "d'aaawwww" because...
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I think you just described Kathy Griffins entire act.
Happy Valentine's Day! Yeah, I don't have anything better to say, but whatever. I found a rose stapled to a lampost on my way home today, so that's the gift sorted out. Hope everyone is well out there.
Yeah.I should be studying, too.
It's soooo tempting though to go online...

I wish you all the best and luck if you need it!
Thanks smile
I'm now 21 biggrin. And so it goes...

Darn tootin'
I've just come on here to say that I hate Vista. Fuck you, Microsoft. Fuck you. mad
I have to agree, Vista sucks big time
...so, what are people doing for Halloween? I'm stuck in a computer room at uni, procastinating on here and whiling away my time unproductively. Jooooy. surreal
I think you're referring to the Phil Noto print in the background.
Nope it's cold where I live! Does one really need a reason though? :-)

Thanks for pointing me in the direction of the Adam Curtis article I had actually just been recommending his Century of the Self series to someone a few days ago. Did you see that? It's really interesting.
Ah yes I've seen The Trap as well but not the other you mention so I'll look that out. I went through a period of watching a lot of these kinds of documentaries but sometimes they are a bit too depressing because it feels like there is nothing you can do to gain any control. Sometimes it is good to face yourself with all this social and political reality though because most people just ignore it.
I'm flouting social convention and walking barefoot everywhere I go. Ha! This has nothing to do with the fact that I've managed to lock myself out of my bedroom while the keys where still inside, oh no siree. I'm a wild spirit with his feet firmly planted on the ground, or at least those bits of the ground that don't have pieces of glass...
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I smell and strange Arabic men are feeding me pastries. How did it come to this?