Always hard to come up with things to blog about. Today's topic is my summer vacation.

So I get two and a half weeks of paid vacation every summer. Thank you, taxpayers. I'm currently in the middle of it, typing this blog post in my iPhone on my ex's couch while I hang out with my kids all week.

Not sure what I'm going to...
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I suggest getting naked with a hot female on your vacay...

but not on your exes couch. That might get a lil too messy.
It was great to meet you at Gala! I hope you had a good time.
Well, I guess I could tell you about my life lately...

I went back to work after having been away for a month and our first day back was a "sports/fun" day. That was all kinds of cool, as we got to play ultimate frisbee and beach volleyball and I'm apparently pretty good at both of those things.

Either that or everyone else just sucks....
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Fine, then; be that way.

I'll blog, but I don't have to like it.

This weekend, I went home. I left Kingston on Friday afternoon and spent five hours in traffic. It seemed like every highway I tried to detour to had a fresh accident up ahead. Toronto was, as far as I could tell, a fucking parking lot. I ended up listening to AM...
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