A little boy, no more than 8 or 9, sits in front of a television set. The television light beaming down on the child, like gods grace in contrast to the black absence of light around him. The boy's attention captured by the auditory and visual stimulation was broken by a familiar dullness creeping from the base of his spine, when it reached his head...
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A fun filled poem by me. Please do enjoy.

Hey kids don't tell your mom

I'm here to tell you about the necronomicon song

Just light a few candles a few hours before dawn

Rally around the board with the weird symbols on

Say the incantation and you don't have to wait long

Passages read out loud, and the devils will come

Though they are...
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Hello lovelies, I will get right into it. The past few months I have been going to PTSD group classes at the VA. They fuck me up. I am on medication as well, it helps even though I am not a fan of psychotropic drugs. These classes though.... they bring up things from the past, painfully so. Things I would rather not discuss. My night
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Words with friends? My username is BradleyC368


I am still out there, somewhere. Doing right by me. I hope you are well.

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Im going to grow it back out but I needed a change of pace for my looks, plus hair grows back, but damn do I look good regardless. Here are some sexy photos of me hiking and looking good beardless.

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Here are some pictures of the moon I have taken, for your enjoyment. If you like these photos and other photos I have taken feel free to follow me on instagram. Im not asking you to, just for those that want to see more of my pictures. My name on instagram is voodoopuma , I hope you enjoy

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Love the first and last one!! I don't do that insta stuff. Just this and a little of fb. But ya keep up the awesome photos!!