Well, another winter goes by, spring is upon us, (me.ed) and the sads, should develop into the rads!! Girls will start wearing summer attire, some'll even show off some of their body mods. And although I dream of SG's, nothing beats seeing a hot girl, in real life, before your eyes, adorned with tattoos and piercings.... especially if she's wearing a tee that promotes any...
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Spent three days at the radio station this week. My comics podcast propsosal got turned down. Got a call from a band to try out for their Singer position, going through the tracks now, this could be sweet.... and said goodbye to a beloved family member. . . Just gotta deal with the punches, and keep rockin' an' rollin. . . .
Well, well ,well, another day looking for work, kinda. . . . And playing ball with the circus(read nephews and nieces). . . . Now, contemplating going to the movies to watch Transformers 2 or hanging with some pals to congratulate him on a property purchase. . . Hhhmmmm. . . .

Ah, fuck it.... I think I'll just stay on the net. . ....
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btw i love transformers
Now that is a good idea
Wow! What a day. . . . . Picked up a camera off of a friend, visited an ol' pal of mine, and then went a rehab hospital to see a friend recovering from a freak car accident. . . I need a job. . .
It's been so long since my last post that I kinda think I don't take blogging seriously. That's probably why I have so little friends on here. . . But then again I feel that people don't really give a shit what I get up to. The SG's I can understand, they're on here, they've got photo's, hell, I'm interested in what they have to...
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Hey mate how are you? Thanksfor accepting my add. I'm kind of trying to add a few people in order to build up some sort of sg friend base so I dont spend ALL my time on here ogling attractive women. Have a good weekend!
Just saw Alice In Chains. . . . . . .do I really need to say more?? How about. . . unbelievable. Never thought I'd see the day or hear those songs live . . .
A huge bromance going out to the Guys for putting on one of the best shows I've seen. I feel so grungy all of a sudden. Hello Nineties, it's...
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GOD DAMN!!!!!! Someone requested my friendship!!! It really is the dawn of a new age! Fuck Babylon 5, I've finally been excepted by one of my virtual peers. Hazar!!

A special shout out to my new friend on the otherside o' the Planet goes to Geezer, thanks buddy. . . .

I don't really talk like this. . . .

ha, what can i say i like your comics forum steez friend.
I awoke this morning, with the wonderous sounds of Bon Iver ringing in my ears from their show In Melbourne last night . . . . A great fucking show. . . I'm still all tingly
Wow, I forgot how awesome this site is. . . . . I just spent five hours geeking out, riffin' comics, talking music(more like typing) learned some shit, heard new music, found some new(old) bands to check out and saw some really hot ladies. . . .FUCK!!!!

It was awesome. . . . .