It's been so long since my last post that I kinda think I don't take blogging seriously. That's probably why I have so little friends on here. . . But then again I feel that people don't really give a shit what I get up to. The SG's I can understand, they're on here, they've got photo's, hell, I'm interested in what they have to...
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Hey mate how are you? Thanksfor accepting my add. I'm kind of trying to add a few people in order to build up some sort of sg friend base so I dont spend ALL my time on here ogling attractive women. Have a good weekend!
Just saw Alice In Chains. . . . . . .do I really need to say more?? How about. . . unbelievable. Never thought I'd see the day or hear those songs live . . .
A huge bromance going out to the Guys for putting on one of the best shows I've seen. I feel so grungy all of a sudden. Hello Nineties, it's...
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GOD DAMN!!!!!! Someone requested my friendship!!! It really is the dawn of a new age! Fuck Babylon 5, I've finally been excepted by one of my virtual peers. Hazar!!

A special shout out to my new friend on the otherside o' the Planet goes to Geezer, thanks buddy. . . .

I don't really talk like this. . . .

ha, what can i say i like your comics forum steez friend.
I awoke this morning, with the wonderous sounds of Bon Iver ringing in my ears from their show In Melbourne last night . . . . A great fucking show. . . I'm still all tingly
Wow, I forgot how awesome this site is. . . . . I just spent five hours geeking out, riffin' comics, talking music(more like typing) learned some shit, heard new music, found some new(old) bands to check out and saw some really hot ladies. . . .FUCK!!!!

It was awesome. . . . .
Time for a new post!!!!
As I sit here amoungst the stars, the moon silently watching over me, I'm struck with feeling that the brand new day is dawning and I still can't get over my TV addiction. I blame the amazing minds in hollywood, and the remarkable imaginations of all the writers who no doubt conspire against me living a fruitful life, enjoying the...
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I has been sooooo long since I left my last post that I've forgotten about all the people who expect a daily update from me. . . . . Well, maybe not, but I've recently gone through some shit that I needed to vent about.
Broke my leg three months ago and only now am I starting to walk again, crutch assisted no less but...
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ur avatar is so funny... xD
In San Francisco for the week end!! Now, what's fucked about it is that I haven't been in the country for more than 24 hours and I'm already dealing with a hangover!? I gotta take it easy. Had some wicked mexican last night. I think I can still feel my throat burning. . . . .
happy birthday!
Damn!! It sure has been a long time since my last post. What with life getting in the way and shit. Nothing really ever happens in reality although unlike tv its a lot more satisfying and it never ends! I've got a cold at the moment, so it's computer blues tonight while all my friends are out drinking and frolicking with the moonlight. I perservere...
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Hi! I am walking in the San Fran Aids Walk. If you can find any spare change wheter it's a dollar or twenty it would help!

Here's is the link if you'd like to sponser!


Thank You!


I made love to it the first night I had it. Downloading shows is a dream come true. Just watched 8 episodes of smallville straight. Just finished getting battlestar season 2. I'm lovin it!

Man I'm a total geek. . . . . .
yeah you are a total geek... ha ha
but a new PC would be fucking orgasmic... who is the geek now.. orgasmic pffft what kind of word is that!
My pc's down and out so I gotta post from work. I lost all of my data, everything!!!! Three weeks of installing and re-installing and still to no avail (?), it's still FUCKED!!!
When I got the news, it felt like someone died, man. Yeah, that sounds shit, and disrespectful to those who have past on, but that's the only way I can explain the...
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