good morning sexy people. ii have no idea why i still seem to get up so early even i just fell asleep a few hour ago. but anyway today is Friday so i work tonight hopefully no more than 10hrs because i am burnt the fuck out.

p.s. could someone give some advice how to be able to post pics straight from my iphone? i...
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It looks like an 11hr work day then be back in another 11hrs for a 10 hr day again. FUCK!!! I'm tired...
I guess I'm putting in 12hrs tonight that will be getting me home at 3:10am in the morning. Whatever it's all overtime it could be worse. I could be unemployed.
Glad to be home kinda early. well earlier than most days. if anyone would like to ask me any questions i would love to answer them?
Thanks, man! smile
Why thank you :}
The only and biggest drag about my new job is the random drug testing. That means I can't smoke cannabis to unwind anymore and my insomnia has came back.frown
I been trying to find ways around it but in the long run I don't know if its really worth it. Even though cannabis has been the safest medicine for me.
frown Sorry to hear you can't unwind!! That's definitely a bummer. frown Thanks for the comment! smile
How crazy it's 104 degree outside and cloudy like its going to rain. I need to check the space weather and see if there was a massive solar flare erupt lately
Good Morning beautiful sexy people. Why does it feel like all I do is work? Ohhh, because I do... Well time for a shower and get ready for work...
I hear that.
I am literally just working for the weekend. whatever
Fuck!!! Its to fuck'n HOT!!!! Wish I was in a pool and not at work. But at least I'm working a crap load of hours.
I been trying to post straight from my IPhone but it doesn't seem to work for me. Can anyone help? I dont know what I'm doing wrong. I been using the address SG has given me but no dice.