so today i ran my first mini-marathon... 13.1 mi baby! it was rainy and gross, so i have blisters and a weird rash from my wet clothes rubbing... when i got done i was fuckin freezin and my lips and nails turned purple... that was funny. it was really a test of determination.... i realize that to run the full 26.2 that i wanna do...
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ahhh.... much better now... back to the training schedule... lookin to run in the gay games in chicago this summer! biggrin
oh, thought i would add, the 13th thing was somehow not right, and when it was published on paper, i was #1 for my age group... i had to buy the paper to prove it to myself! eeek
So sometimes I feel like I'm really gettin old... not just that i have aches and pains...( i am rough on my body)... Last night was a big party in town, but after leavin work, I didn't wanna do a thing... not go home, not anything... so I sat in a little resturant w/ a couple of friends talking semantics and reminiscing about before I...
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i love some good sex w/ the windows open, cuz I'm pretty sure that the neighbors don't!
ALAWAYS keep the windows open! You'll find out real quick how many of your neighbors are REAL people and not some frustrated fucks who don't know how to live.

loved your insightful opening journal entry too

[Edited on Apr 19, 2006 9:46AM]
First journal. entry that I expect noone to read, so I'll just type.
My favorite topic of the moment is the idea that virginity is so precious. My take on it... it's animalistic. If a man can take a virgin as a mate, and continue to control her, then he can be totally assured that her offspring will be carrying his gentics.
That's how animals...
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