still nothing to really say, and still no internet at home... sad story, true story frown

I have the house to my self for about 1 week, but still nothing to do and no friends that would even want to travel 20 kilometers to party for a week... oh well...

ehm till next entry I guess
So, I'v spent about 6 hours at a friends job playing cardgames, quite intressting.

I'm going to spend the night, and maybe the next here, playing Diablo 2 and maybe some other games, will be fun biggrin

Havent been doing much seens last time I made an entry, mainly been playing Painkiller and Civilization 4 due to no internet.

Well... ehm...

Oh yee, I told the...
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Happy Birthday hun!
So I'm in to back a blogg entry... yey or something...

So I was at a party yesterday, and I messed up reall badly... Just like I was expecting to do ^^

still no internet at home... so I have to leech of my cusin from time to time... *sigh* oh well ^^

Till Next Entry tongue
Well today I'm moving out to my father again, cant afford my own flat so what am I to do?! I will not have any internet and I will be isolated... but I dont really care...

So I wount be updating this to often... ehm... well anyways ^^

Till next time!
So I finnaly managed to get the new kitten my mom got to not beafraid of the other 2 cats and were the cat's sould pee so to say...

Well today is a slow day, gonna see if a friend wants to watch a movie or soemthing...oh well biggrin
So, my mum is gone on holiday so I'm in her flat watching the animals. And yes, as unemployed and without school I live at home with my parents, but at my dads house normaly, this is just a temporary thing.

GAH Cant wait for the next LARP this september!!! It will be Over 9000 epic!!!

May Long Cat Eat You All! miao!!
Cant say much happend to day, just been sitting here playing Left 4 Dead with some friends....

A boring Day!
So was out dirnking last night, was fun, me and a few friends drinking some beer and some booze, was going quite well till around half past 12 (midnight time) when the youngest one of us was sleeping on the shore and was pale, had blue lips and were cold and shaking, so we had to call 911 and get him to the hospital, in...
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I hope your friend is ok now!
So my throat is finaly feeling better!!

So today I'm going to the "IRS" (here in sweden and its not really called that here) to get some papers I need to be able to apply for school!

I'm also going to buy som textile fabrics, time to really start creating things for my main hobby!
So today I'm going to set up a few meetings for a few diffrent reasons but I thkn it will play out well!

Another day with a throat that really hurts and I have trouble speaking...

I'm going to sign up for school again, mainly to study up the classes I faild befor so I can get a job!