Somehow, the idea of speed-dating (you know, those social gatherings where people pair off for five minute "dates" to try and find someone they'd like to date IRL) makes me sad. I have a friend who says "you have to try it!" This from the friend who failed by saying to me--a former lead singer for a few actually well-followed rock and blues bands back...
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Thanks go to all you ladies. I sincerely appreciate the sentiments...
Long-term couples tend to have waxing and waning sex lives. If the two are *fortunate* then they discover that after the initial stage of "let's fuck all the time" passes, they desire sex at similar frequencies. Many couples are not so fortunate. Just because she has less desire for sex than you do does not mean that she does reciprocate the emotional side of it! In fact, the fact that she's willing to participate even though her heart isn't always into it would attest to the fact that she really does have feelings for you.
Nonetheless, I can see how you'd feel a bit hurt and betrayed by her sentiment, and it's perfectly legitimate for you to feel that you want a long-term partner who has sex drive that more closely matches your own.

I think that speed-dating is silly, and probably superficial as well. I mean, WHY? All you get to know is what the person looks like and 5 minutes' worth of conversation. That is not nearly enough to determine much of anything. Sigh. The dating game sucks so much. I

Do you have AIM? It would be nice to talk to you on AIM sometime. You seem like such a fascinating person that I have some relevant things in common with. If not, maybe phone?
So I'm deciding weather or not I should find some nice, stable older (read: my age) hippie-chick, or a younger babe with a mild streak of insanity. Thoughts? Suggestions? Offers? Solicitations?
some combination of the two does sound like the best option. good luck with that! lol! wink tongue

but if i had to choose i'd say stable hippie-chick fo'sure. last thing you want is some crazy young'un going op on you eeek
stable older hippie chick? they have those?
Right, so I'm getting divorced...

But before anyone starts with the "I'm so sorry" stuff or the "what a caterpillar calls the end of the world..." thing, know that I'm okay. WE'RE okay. Oddly, we still love each-other just as we did when we got married. We love each-other so much we're willing to do this for each other. But my partner is gay. I'm...
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i'm always proud and happy to see people going through life with their head up and their mind open. congrats on that, despite the hardship.
As weird as it sounds that sounds amazing. As a child I watched my mom go through two ugly divorces and the fact that the two of you are able to do this so gracefully is wonderful. I hope it continues that way and that you both will find the happiness that you have been missing.
Okay, I'm back. I missed me my peeps...
whoo honey!!

glad to have you back, alot has gone on with you since you've been gone
Oh hell yeah. Watch this space...

But not the least of which is, YOUZ A BLONDIE NOW!
So, I've started up a blog. You all can keep track of me at...

http://shakingofftheweirdness [d0t] blogspot [d0t] com

Sorry for the above, but I don't want the site to be 'boted.

Peace, SG...

I highly encourage everybody who has ten minutes to spare to go read this. Then go join MAPS, and give them as much money as you can spare. As someone who suffers from PTSD, and who has family members and loved-ones who were nearly destroyed by it, I know first-hand what the pain is like, what it can do, and what relief MDMA...
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