Apparently I was "boned" when I dreamt that I destroyed a rug from Amy Poehler. It wasn't even me who did it at the end. I was just another victim of a misunderstanding that somehow occurred between myself and another person.

But why did I have to have a boner at the end of it :-S?


IDK what's going on out there anymore :-(. The Strip Clubs in the ATX opened up briefly after being still in this coronoccupation. Then only two remained opened, and now more are apparently reopened again.

Is it literally "Cum In At Your Own Risk" now or "It's Your Ass", etc? Is it 1/4 opened :-S? Then again it was like that before anyway :-P.

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That was me trying to drop a bar in the title :-P.

Anyway, whenever I do a rideshare, I have this over-lying fantasy that one evening, I am going to come home.....to find one of you in my bed :-P. I don't know how this came about, but I just got this feeling that it's going to happen one day still. I know I stated...
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Well, this has been a VERY DISAPPOINTING Remembrance of MJJ. Besides myself, I didn't hear anyone or anything going on today. 2 years ago before I left Austin I did attend an event around this time.
It was the WRONG AVENUE and CROWD :-(!. I HIGHLY doubt that anybody did anything last year because of that DAMNING Wacked-Ass Documentary those two extortionists did.
Fuckers ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿคฌ!!!!!...
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Well as I have said I have been ride-sharing to get my income for a while now. I won't be doing it so much starting Monday as I will be remote working from home....

I'm not too wild about right now :-S. Some people dig it, some don't. But I just might go even MORE stir-crazy but these are crazy times :-S.

Anyway, there was...
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Get Out There.....Get Rid Of Those Corona Germs.....Get That โ€œDโ€.....Vitamin D Of Course ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‹!!!!


That's what the film was called what I watched yesterday from Netflix on my phone :-P. And yes it was below her FIRST set of lips :-P!

This Shit Was HOT =)! And yet there was some drama in it of course where the dude is left hanging - no pun intended there for I guess they get back together. And yet why didn't they...
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'Bout Time :-S. Been way too long since it's been way too long :-P! But only up to 1/4 portion of peeps and I'm not sure I can still get laid in there now :-S.....