anal sex

A group for anal sex enthusiasts. Discuss techniques, experiences and advice for safer anal sex. Anal virgins welcome :) Current group mod -Agy (July 2016)

short people unite

A group for people who are a little shorter, and the people who appreciate them :) *This is NOT a place to belittle or unfairly judge people, so please don't join if you plan on being an ass.*

itty bitty titty committee

Talk about the itty bitty titties, praise them, glorify them! No spam no drama nuff said! Any questions regarding this group contact moderators @lil_tuffy @nonamenumberfive

love & dating

A group for everything to do with love and dating! Vent, brag, ask advice...Whatever!

makeup & beauty

Discuss any topic related to making your appearance the best it can be. From skin care to makeup to stress relief to nutrition to surgical techniques.

Chronic & Long-Term Health Conditions

A place to discuss chronic and curable diseases and health issues! Vent, offer support, advice, or anything else related! To join the group, please have a profile photo and a reasonable amount of blog /comment activity so we know you're real! :)

sex talk

Talk about sex, relationships, love, and everything related. Please remember to be respectful.