So it's almost Tofurkeyday and I'm still jobless....and I'm still loving it. I got the new SOZ and like ten new books, I'm ready to fucking rock. I have a sneaking suspicion I wont be getting any calls back until after the first of the year.
hehehe i just read your profile
cheeky bum looker
that made my night all better!!!
Well, unemployment is agreeing with me so far. It's nice to sleep in until 10:30 evey day and wear my jammies until 2:00. I updated my shitty resume and e-mailed it to a few schmoes, but I still have to apply for one job per week in person. That's the rules for getting a big fat handout check from the state of Ohio. Ack!
damn the man!
So I got laid off for the first time in my life today. I guess this has been a pretty interesting year so far. I turned 25, had a 1 year wedding anniversary, and got fired for the first time. I'm in good health and I'm happy, so life is pretty fucking good nontheless.
It's nice and cold here finally and I love with it. It's all about the sweater weather. I have to get my winter coat dry cleaned before it starts getting all Ohio on my little assyneck.
you heart django and I heart you.
-too tired to say more, but must represent
I'm in love with fall. I love crunching leaves and wearing sweaters. I love waking up freezing and taking a hot shower. I love having sex between ice cold sheets. I'm at my personal sexiness peak in the fall. I dress the best and have the most clever things to say in the fall. I'm SO easy to fall in love with in the fall.
That is me, but in the spring.

Fall i like, but it's too close to stupid stupid winter.
I am: Straight, white, male, tubby, horny, smelly, tired, selfish, boring, hilarious, tender, distant, loving....

I enjoy: Masturbation, guitar, food, sleeping, shaving, cold water, black hair, shoes, tattoos, laughing, kissing, hugging, cuddling, foreplay...

I am looking for: My wife's long lost counterpart thtat loves Deadguy and Indian food. I want to keep here and the new one too. Good luck huh?
Man I hope another thread about "chubby" girls will result in a few sets from chicks with some "junk in the trunk". I love all the SG's but at some point a guy just needs some ass and titties and belly and hips and curves.
My one year wedding anniversary is coming up on the 13'th. I guees it's weird to say, but this year has been pretty uneventful. Other than a very uncomfortable crush I had on a mutual friend of ours, nothing out of the ordinary happened at all. We got our "ramen noodles and water" years out of the way the first two we were together. I...
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I practiced with this new band Saturday and it was pretty good stuff. You know within 5 miniutes if you are going to fuck someone or not and bands are exactly the same. They had most of a song done and I just played out of my ass mostly, but they were into it. I'm 100% sure we are going to go over like a...
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So are you from Dayton or Columbus? Just wondering because I'm in Columbus.
I'm in Columbus, but my new band is in Dayton. It's a long story.
This week has sucked shit in slow motion. I'm so glad it's Friday. The owner of our company and the board of trustees are here today from AZ, so we had to dress up AND turn our music off. Blearghkk!
Fridays are great. Ive been stuck in a bloody slow week too, but todays good because the boss has gone away early. Music here is good and loud. smile
holy shit! youre getting a tatoo of max from in the night kitchen. i have wanted to get a tattoo of him in his little dough plane for forever. sweet.